Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Angus has two

birthmarks. One is on top of his head and the other is on the crease between his foot and his leg (the area that I scrubbed so much when he was little because I thought it was stubborn dirt.....I'd never had a kid with a birthmark before....). I am starting to think that Tabitha also has a birthmark, so I'm going to make a conscious effort to look for it tomorrow. It shouldn't be too difficult to find because I know what it will look like. It'll be 666. Today she was the devil child. Oh my lordy wordy yes this child can throw a tantie.

I knew things were going in a bad direction when she took a step and inadvertently stepped in between the runner cords of the vertical blinds. And you know when you see some things happen they almost go in slow motion? That didn't happen. The opposite happened. It was like watching an animal caught in a fence. The more they fight, the more tangled they get, and within what seemed like nanoseconds what had begun as a step into a cord became Tabitha completely wrapped in the cord, with four of the vertical blinds also wrapped around her, a beetroot coloured tear stained face with a mouth the size of her entire head literally screaming as loudly as she could.

It didn't really get much better from there.

I could tell you about every tantrum that was thrown however you probably don't want to hear that I tried to take a spoon from her after she had finished her dinner. Tantrum. I asked her if she wanted a bottle. Tantrum. I told her it was nearly time for bed. Tantrum. I asked for a cuddle. Tantrum. I'm pretty sure you get the gist.

There is hope in there somewhere that it may be one or more of the 8 remaining teeth that are yet to pop their nasty little heads up from beneath the gums. If in doubt I do usually blame teeth, however this child was seriously possessed today and surely teeth can't do that to a child. Can they?

I have made the executive decision to have a night off study tonight and sit and watch some Ricky Gervais standup with a dodgy bottle of red. Although as I have been told there is no such thing as a dodgy bottle of red. The politically correct term is "quality challenged". So I shall sit watching Ricky Gervais with some cashews and a glass of quality challenged wine, and try, yet again, to have an early night and hope that tonight is not a repeat of last night, and that in the morning when Tabitha wakes the demon will have departed. I bought a lotto ticket. I think it's only fair that either the first scenario occurs or I win lotto. Somehow I think I actually have more chance of the latter happening......


  1. Just shared on FB - managed to re-activate my blog account at last ;)
    Go the lotto win ha ha!

  2. Yay for reactivation!! And lotto didn't happen...nor did the other scenario lol

  3. fingers crossed for lotto this week then? I dare not cross them for the other after last night! You have all the Red Bull you need for breakfast...hope you get those essays finished soon, hugs to you, you can do it!! I have faith.
