I have been unable to access my own blog of late. I have absolutely no idea why. I am thinking that perhaps it is the bloggy watcher trying to prevent me from posting some drivel in which nobody would be interested anyway.
Today I had a day off. As in a day "off". I work four days a week. The fifth day is supposed to be my day off. The kids are in daycare five days a week and I am supposed to use that day to catch up on everything - strip the beds, get the floors mopped, catch up on washing, mow the lawns if necessary, do the shopping, all that lovely stuff. However, for the last eternity my day off has involved a visit to either a doctor's office or a hospital. For one or more of the mini folks.
Today it did not. Today was a true me day. And in true fashion, after dropping the kids off at daycare the first thing I did was mow the lawn. But now the lawn is mowed and looks a lot better. Then I spent the next 2 hours recovering from mowing the lawn, with the aid of a coffee and a coke. And a steak. Just because.
And then I went for a coffee with a friend, which was wonderful, and the time just flew and before I knew it I had been having coffee for 2 1/2 hours, so then had to flee to get to the grocery store, which I did, then picked up my beautiful babies.
And the weekend is shaping up pretty well too - have a friend and her mini chicklet visiting from Perth on Saturday, and on Sunday it is my birthday and we are going to the magical brunch!!!!!!!! Sensational.
And on that note I should probably work out what to wear tomorrow.
I am hoping that everyone out there in the blogosphere is content. I am content. I love my babies and my babies love me. And with some other little happenings things are going from strength to strength.
That is all.
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