Saturday, August 18, 2012

3rd time around

and you would think things would automatically gel.

Apparently not.

I have a nearly 2 year old. He has been very unsettled for the past week, and I have been at a loss as to why. He is still eating and drinking (more than usual in fact) and is not ill, nor is he out of sorts in any other way during the day. But at night....different story.

And it was only tonight that I realised. He is nearly 2. They have teeth named after that age. And as he reached for his ear, the penny dropped with such force that I nearly hit the ground. He's teething. My poor lil man is getting his 2 year old molars. It has been such a long time since teething was an issue in this house that it simply didn't even cross my mind. When the girls were getting their 2 year old molars, there was always another child teething in the background, so it was at the forefront. Not this time.

So at least now I know what I'm dealing with. Doesn't make it any easier, for him or for me, but it does at least give me something to work with, and some way of approaching what's happenining.

So much as today was horrid (long story) at least I have some answers at the end of it in one respect.

And a point of note - if you put the children to bed and see a rocket ship toy in the middle of the floor, move it. For when one of the children stirs and your presence is required, it is inevitable that you will forget the location of said rocket, promptly trip over it and wake everyone up.

This has been a community service announcement.

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