Saturday, December 11, 2010

I wonder

if the songs we get stuck in our heads get stuck in there for a reason. Currently I have "comfortably numb" stuck in my addled and heat affected brain, in particular the part before the song commences that says "is there anybody out there" in an insistent tone. Interesting. Then other days I will have the der gloomph song. Or some rubbish that Justine bloody Clarke sings. You get the picture. I just wonder what, when there is no external influence to guide, our brains decide to lump us with on the silent listening front.

I'm also listening to the rain, as well as Pink Floyd's rendition of Comfortably Numb, soon to morph into Shine on You Crazy Diamond because I haven't heard that for ages and thinking about Pink Floyd made me remember that I hadn't heard it for a while so I started thinking about it and Bob's your uncle, or Robert's your father's brother, there it is.

So hot. So so so so hot. Horrid day today. Truly horrid. The kind of day where the Devil turns on the aircon. Speaking of aircon, mine is still on. At 9.06pm. Because it is still so damn hot. I'll probably turn it off soon though. I never leave it on at night, simply because I would hate a cool snap to come in and then everyone freeze. It has however started raining. That may cool things down a little, but it will also up the humidity. Oh joy. I'm so excited. No. Really. I wonder if you can sense sarcasm through a blog.

You know I was wondering. Again. I wonder who is reading this? I wonder if anything that you (yes, I'm talking to YOU) read hits home, or if you wonder if that will happen with your kids, or if you ever did anything similar.

I wonder if I'm talking to air. I wonder if all these ramblings are just air in the world of cyberspace. I know people look at the page because I have this nifty little counter thing at the bottom, but I rarely see a comment, so then my mind starts wondering "I wonder what people are thinking when they read this". So by all means, feel free to tell me. I'm still relatively new to this whole blogging phenomenon but it would be nice to get some cyberfeedback. If that's a word. And if it isn't it should be.

I made a chocolate christmas tree today. Would you like to see it?

You have no choice, here it is :)

Turkish delight and chocolate. And lots of it. And no, I don't eat chocolate, I'm allergic. I think that makes making them easier....I don't end up with half of it in my mouth...and on my hips......

Lexi tried to help. It didn't work. Tabitha, well, I didn't let her anywhere near it.

I did actually log on here in order to say something but to be perfectly honest I'm just sweltering and have absolutely no recollection of what that was. So let's save it for another time shall we?

And on that note, one of sheer confusion, I bid you goodnight.


  1. Hmm you have a counter, that is pretty cool I wonder if I could get one of those on mine?

  2. It's easy enough to do through's the "total pageviews" gadget :)
