Friday, December 17, 2010

Last night

the kids made me realise why it is that I feel the need to be super organised when it comes to study and timetabling when I get things done. Lexi was up and down several times before I even went to bed, and once pumpkin o'clock hit it was on for young and old with Miss Tabitha. By 3am I ended up giving her a bottle in the hope it would settle her. Thankfully it did, however a mere 20 minutes after I had flopped my tired, sorry body into bed young Mr Angus decided it was up and at em time. So he had a bottle, I popped him back into bed, popped myself back into bed to wake up to Lexi climbing on top of me for cuddles. I was absolutely knackered after a night of basically no sleep, but what a wonderful way to wake up. Little man was awake by then again too, and as I went over to him and said "how are you going mate" which is a pretty standard greeting for my little man, his whole face lit up with a smile that could light a whole city. Such a gorgeous little guy he is. And then of course it was not long before mini chick got in on the action too, and as I walked into her room she was standing up in her cot, looking over to me, and said "hi mum". Ah yes. You can be so exhausted and know the reason for your exhaustion is that which grows at an alarming rate in front of you, and just the look on their faces is enough to make it all better. Doesn't stop me getting annoyed with them over the course of the day, but they do rock. Quite intensely.

I love how the kids are growing up, but my god it's hard to keep up with them. As we speak Tabitha is opening and closing the pantry door, screaming "no" at the salt because it won't sit on the shelf properly. Well, there you go, it finally sat properly and she said "ta" to it. At least she has manners.....

Last night I had all three kids in bed and asleep by 6.51pm. That's pretty impressive by anyone's standards. Such a shame the train wreck that followed didn't take the path of good example set by how well the night started.

I learned something yesterday. In fact it was not actually something I learned so much as something about which I was reminded. If you leave a drawer open in the room in which your son's cot resides, you will find everything from that drawer placed, quite haphazardly, in said cot. Whether or not your son is actually asleep in the cot at that time is not the concern of she who places the clothes into the cot, however on this occasion thankfully there was no child in there. Luckily for me, and Angus for that matter, I become suspicious if I hear no sound for a period longer than 30 seconds and go to investigate. And then if I hear an abundance of sound, well, I'm almost scared to investigate. So silence is bad, noise is good. Really, when you think about it. At least if there is noise there is a definite location of where the children are.

I haven't lost the kids many times, but it has happened. Only in the house, but that's enough to freak me out. The first time Lexi disappeared I found her behind her little pink castle in the toyroom, surrounded by enormous care bears. The first time Tabitha disappeared I found her behind the wardrobe. As you do. Laughing. But only once I had found her. The next time Lexi disappeared I found her asleep under her bed. Now that was an impressive effort because I had literally only been speaking with her minutes beforehand. Yes, when my girl is tired she's tired and to sleep she will go. It doesn't happen often that she has random sleeps in odd places, but every now and then it does and when it does, well, I take photos.

I have another online grocery delivery today, and today shall be just a little different, for today is the first day I will be receiving substituted items. Hmmm. Interesting. They state that the item will be replaced with something comparable at no additional charge. I'll be very very interested to see how this pans out.....particularly considering the items that are being substituted range from fresh veggies right through to meat, and olive oil also. Interesting. Very very interesting.

Just as a note, ordering icing sugar from online grocery shopping is not a good idea. The truck is refrigerated (which is a good thing) but the refrigeration encourages the icing sugar into lumps and when you go to use it in your icing it will not work near as well. Just thought you'd like to know that.

I'm struggling with the realisation that yet another year is over. And then 2011 will be here. Just like that.

I'm also wondering whether it is worth doing a New Year's Resolution. Everyone knows that they tend to be just puffs of thought that 9 times out of 10 don't get followed through. I could resolve all sorts of things, but if I want to do that why do I need to wait for a specific date to do so? So I have decided that instead of doing a New Year's Resolution I'm going to do a random resolution. I've never used that so I'm going to go there, type in the numbers and see when I am to do my resolution for next year. It'll be as good a day as any.

Well, I just did it. You're not going to believe this......

So theoretically my date to do my resolution instead of New Year's Day is in fact the 19th of December. Just in time for the following year.

That's my kind of resolution........

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