Saturday, December 4, 2010

If you accidentally step on a frog

when quietly walking around the house at 2.30am be aware that this frog wil neither say der-gloomph nor la di da di da, even though the song tells us that it is so. Rather it will make a sound like a very large and angry cricket, after which time it will hide and reappear right beside your head on a wall approximately 15 minutes later just to get back at you for accidentally stepping on it.

At least the rain has stopped. This is what our road looks like......

I do hope that it settles down a little though as later on today I am meant to be driving along the river that is currently in place of the road. I'm going to "high tea". I have gone to high tea once before when I was on holiday in Canada. The high tea there consisted of tea (funnily enough) and coffee, as well as lots of gorgeous little cakes, all decked out like presents. I'm wondering what an Australian high tea will be like. Mick reckons high tea is "casual clothes day for food". He's probably not too wrong there. Cute way of thinking about it.

Food is a very important part of my life. I don't sit and eat all day, nor do I actually eat huge amounts of food, but there are certain foods (such as, oh, I don't know, just to pick one at random, KFC) that just make me happy, and every time I think about them I smile. Roast lamb is another, but it has to include pumpkin and gravy. And mint jelly. Yum. Roast pork is another cracker as well although to be honest I would gladly forgo the roast and just eat the crackling. I have actually done that before (shame shame). I bought a pigskin from the butcher and cracklised it, then proceeded to eat it. Entirely. Needless to say I was required to drink copious amounts of hot water in order to relieve the pain of what was obviously congealed fat setting in my stomach. Charming visual that....

It's 6.54am and I just heard a knock, which I thought was at the door. It wasn't, it was the window. It was Mick. He was holding a pigeon. The rats of the sky. He seemed very proud that he'd caught one, and wanted to show it to Lexi. So he showed Lexi, put the bird down and it flew away. Random.

I just had a Red Bull. I did need it. Thankfully mini dude was only up the once last night but it was a rather extended upness so I'm a bit tired. Once I have been awake for over 45 minutes or so I have a little trouble falling back to sleep. I try all those relaxation techniques but they don't work. It's more a case of just lying there, thinking about stuff until the stuff you're thinking about starts to take on a different point of view, and it is at that point, the point where the mind starts becoming creative without conscious thought, that I usually fall asleep.

I'm very glad that essay is done, and should probably make a start on the next one, but I have to get a few Christmasy bits and bobs organised this morning, and then the high tea this arvo (minus kids, I'm going to be a real grown up!) so perhaps it may not get started until tomorrow. I have just under 2 weeks so there is, technically, still a fair amount of time.

I must away, mini me is doing her impersonation of an octopus and has just grabbed the last of the cheese and bacon rolls (which I thought was hidden enough away that I could quickly scoff it down while they were watching play school or something this morning). Lexi has a built in food radar. And her hearing. My gosh, she could hear a chip packet opening from 200 metres away! On that note I  shall rescue the breakfast from Tabitha. She has a habit of, when she has had enough, just reaching her hand over the side of the tray and dropping it on the ground. Lexi, the good girl she is, tries to help clean up. I have a photo to demonstrate...and shall leave you on that note.....

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