Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I sound like

that pimply teenager off the Simpsons. I'm quite amazed at how long this cold bug is hanging around, for all of us. Lexi was the first to fall on Thursday, then Tabitha, then Angus, then finally me. It does seem to have a 'progression' though and Lexi now has just the remnants of a cough, Tabitha is picking up also. Angus's cough is at its worst thus far and mine is starting to get some real personality too. So at least it will be coming to an end it would seem.

And something amazing happened yesterday. Both the girls were quite unwell, which we knew, and I thought I would just put them into their beds to try and relax. Relax they did, and before long both were asleep. Angus was a little perturbed, I was exhausted, so I lay on the bed on a few pillows with Angus on my chest. After a few minutes of wriggling around he calmed right down, so I laid him down beside me. And we fell asleep. Everyone in the house had a nap. In the daytime. At the same time. When I woke up I seriously could not wipe the smile from my face. Things like that are a rarity, particularly when you have daughters who boycott daytime naps on a regular basis.

Last night I finally had the early night I was after, although my nights are never straight through what with Angus and sickness etc. But last night I went to bed at 9.30pm, was up with Angus at 11.30pm, back to bed by about quarter to 12 then not up again til just after 4. Then back for a bit on and off til about quarter past 6. Most sleep I've had for ages. So I feel as refreshed as I can considering I feel as though I have had glue injected into my ears, nose and throat.

Today is going to be another slothenly day. I feel they are the best when there is sickness in the house. One positive is that Lexi is eating breakfast. Huge positive actually. Both girls have been completely off their food for the last few days, and I was quite surprised at this until I realised that I, too, had been off my food. I think it is a combination of it hurting to swallow with the fact that taste buds are truly dulled so basically you are eating just for the sake of it, not for the taste of it. It's the same with coffee, I really can't taste it, but I'll be buggered if I am going to not drink it, I need it. I truly do. If you had not guess, my WOTD (word of the day) is truly. Truly it is. I seem to go through days using the same word a bazillion times for no apparent reason. My personal faves are sensational, well, truly (so it seems), however, and some random ones that pop up every now and then.

Uni started back yesterday. With not so much a bang as a cough. So I haven't yet started. I'm hoping the girls are well enough to go to daycare tomorrow. I shan't send them if they're still yuck because I'm a firm believer in not cross infecting if you can possibly avoid it. I'm sure that Lexi picked up the bug from daycare and brought it home to us, and it's a doozy. But at least they're building up immunity, that's what I tell myself (although it's hard to take solace in this fact at 2am when they're coughing up a lung).

Hopefully soon I will feel the desire to cook again. Last night I made chicken wings and ate 2 before I realised I couldn't taste them and it seriously wasn't worth the effort. So they're in the fridge now. I have a truckload of eggs too in the anticipation of making an egg and bacon pie, but I'll hold off doing that till we're all eating properly again. For now I think it'll be toast and dry bikkies. And the opportunity to rediscover daytime tv. Wonder what I've been missing......

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried the baby quiche from the freezer section - great with colds etc. Tiny, cute and oh so soft if you do them in the microwave, not the oven. Pack of 12 is just over $5 - there's 2 flavours, or mixed 24 for under $10. Hope you all feel better soon.
