Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Why do so few people place importance on grammar?

Aside from the appalling text speak that plagues facebook and twitter and all manner of everything else, there are the errors in expression that annoy me, so I'm going all out now.

Its and it's. Rule of thumb? If you can replace the "it" with "his" or "her" then there is no apostrophe.

For example: "The dog hurt its paw." "The dog hurt his paw." No apostrophe.

Another example: "It's another story." "He's another story." No brainer. Completely changes the meaning. Apostrophe.

His and he's. His is possessive. "It is HIS toy". He's is a shortening of HE IS. "He's a boy."

There, their and they're. There is a place. "My car is over there." Their demonstrates ownership. "It is their car." They're is a shortening of they are.

"They're going to their car which is parked over there."

Should have or should of. This one irks me no end. Remove the should and see how it sounds. "I should have gone out." "I have gone out." Fine. "I should of gone out." "I of gone out." Wrong.

I could literally go on forever. But I won't.

Just thought I'd play teacher for a bit.

By the way, I had a sensational day at work today. I truly love my job. I am one lucky chickadee.


  1. Totally hearing you here, way too many examples to list. I thought you might like this:

  2. Hahahah Oh I ADORE that blog!!!!!!!!!
