Thursday, June 28, 2012

Some people

are just born to do what they do. You can see as they are carrying out their work or activities related to their work that they absolutely love it, and are good at it.

I was lucky enough to meet one of those people today. Someone who got his PhD at 27. Amazing. I know. Freakiest thing is he got his PhD in the subject matter that if I were to ever attempt a PhD would be it. And further to my last grammar post, that was appalling.

So I attended a great seminar today, had a chat to the presenter before and after, and work went brilliantly again today.

So work life is great, there is no denying it.

The kids are fab. Well, they have their moments, but overall they are fab.

Just a shame that some other parts of my life are not so fab. But you do what you can do.

Isn't it amazing though the things we tell ourselves to justify our actions? Me for example - I tell myself that it is okay to eat copious amounts of bacon, because in doing so I am actually making my arteries work, which is exercise, so effectively I am making sure they work as best they can. I drink a lot of coffee because caffeine elevates the heart rate, and by elevating the heart rate the heart exercises. Others justify their actions, or even their inaction, in whatever way they do. And whilst it doesn't make sense to anyone externally, it must make sense to them. In some peculiar way.

So you see, there are ways in which we can justify things that, whilst they make perfect sense to us, are completely illogical at the same time.

I think there's something in that for all of us.

Now I want bacon.

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