Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm baaaaack

Well, after a lengthy absence, I am back.


Well, I could say I needed an outlet, but that wouldn't be entirely true, because I don't want this to be a vent to the world forum. I think I just kind of missed it.

Things for me have changed. A lot. I won't go into the details, suffice to say that now it is just me and the three.

So we are busy busy. Life is going ahead in leaps and bounds. I have found myself an amazing job, loving the work I am doing and the people with whom I work. I definitely chose the right profession. Well, second time around anyway. Or maybe third... or is that fourth......

The kidlets. Oh. My. So much has happened.

Mini me has had her first surgery. The massive tonsils were removed, along with the adenoids, still some persistent hearing loss, and a few other issues that are being investigated. So we spend most weeks at the doctors, speech therapist, hospital, various other places, and she always has a smile on her face. Such a wonderful little being.

Mini chick. Well. She is nearly 3. And as each day goes by the terrible 2s seem to be dissipating. Cos lordy me they were fully in force. For such a long time. She can be such an angel. However she often just chooses not to be. I think it would have caused me more grief save but for the fact that I see so much of myself in her it isn't funny.

Mini dude. Star. Climber. Trouble. Adorable. Such a lil spunk. Always on the go, talking more and more each day, and just a joy. He still doesn't sleep through, but I can deal with that. I have never had good sleepers. Sad to say he seems to have followed mini me's example in that he also gets night terrors. And he is loud. And they are heartbreaking. But we deal with them.

And so, for now, that is all I shall offer. But I hope that I shall continue on where I once travelled, and blog on a semi-regular basis.

Hopefully there are some people out there to read.

And that, for now, is all.

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