Sunday, April 10, 2011


seems to be the time of choice for Angus to wake up and let the world know he knows how to make sound. It's been the exact same time the last few mornings. And yes, it is a bit tiring. He isn't crying, so I should be happy about that, but holy crap he is loud. I mean loud. By far the loudest of all the kids so far. SUCH a strong set of lungs. I am going by the theory that because I had steroids at 27 weeks when I first went into labour, his lungs are extra developed and he's trying to show me this. And the rest of the world of course, because there has to be at least one or two families in the street that can hear his bellows at 3.52am.

I had my ultrasound a few days ago. What I did discover is that I have very photogenic organs. And they all look perfect. So whilst I have not found exactly what is wrong, because of how I was feeling I had a barrage of tests which have shown me that my tired and weary 37 year old body is absolutely fighting fit, which whilst I'm still a bit ill, is actually pretty reassuring to know. I accidentally had a full physical and got a clean bill of health (except for the whole still being sick thing of course). Not sure where to go from here though. I am definitely feeling better than I have been, however still have some niggling nasties to annoy me. Just hoping that time will do the thing it is supposed to and 'heal all wounds'.

We've been doing a bit of cooking lately. As you know Lexi does love to cook, and now Tabitha has got into the act. They drag a chair across to the kitchen bench and have a bowl and spoon, waiting patiently for something to be placed in said bowl so that they can "mix please". Yesterday was hilarious though. Lexi had her bowl and spoon, but Tabitha had not. Tabitha climbed up onto the chair that Lexi had brought over and started mixing Lexi's mock cake mix. Lexi was not happy, for the mock cake was hers to mix, not Tabitha's, so there were tears, there was Lexi attempting to remove Tabitha from the chair, in a less than gracious manner, so I quickly jumped to attention and got Tabitha her own bowl, spoon and chair, so that both girls could mock mix their mock cake together. Ah yes the things we do.

Angus crawled yesterday. Well, I'm claiming it as a crawl anyway. One arm, one leg, did the crawl action. He's been rocking back and forth for such a long time, I can literally watch him for hours thinking he'll go that next step, and he doesn't. He either rolls over or just plops onto the ground, usually with a bit of a thud and some tears to follow. But yesterday he did keep going, not for long, but long enough that, as I said, I can claim a crawl. Will be interesting to see if he does this again today or has a few days to recover from what must have been something completely different experience wise for him.

Watching a day in the life of a baby does seem quite boring - they don't really do a lot. But if you think about it, for them they are doing heaps. They are using muscles they have never used, they are discovering ways to use their body (and voice as the case may be) that prior to then they simply never knew existed. They are finding out that a soft toy green sheep is a lot nicer to cuddle than a shoe (or perhaps not, depending upon the child - all mine seem to have a fascination with shoes). And each day there is one little thing that they do that they haven't done the day before. It may be just a way they have reached towards something, or balancing on toes instead of on knees, but their learning curve is an exponential wave of growth. And there will be more.

The same goes with toddlers and little kidlets. Every day they learn more. They are little sponges. The girls will sit and watch play school and each day they'll be a bit more involved, copying the moves the presenters do when dancing, repeating their words. Tabitha does the Hokey Pokey with the best of them, and yesterday I smiled all over when I listened to her watching a 'cowboy' episode and let out a little "yeeeeehaaaaaa". Lexi seems to greatly enjoy singing along with them, although sadly she does not possess an angelic singing voice. But she tries.

I just love watching them grow. It is heartwarming. And I can't wait for them to get just that tiny little bit older so I can say to them "mummy needs sleep you aren't allowed out of bed before 7am". In the most loving way of course.

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