Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It will happen.

One day. I'm sure it will. What, you ask? I will drop the kids at daycare in the morning and I won't receive a phone call to go and pick one of them up. I'm sure it will happen.

Today I kinda needed them all to stay there. I had two essays that were due over a week ago that I got extensions for, which took me to Monday, which then wasn't going to happen so I begged for extensions til today, which I luckily got.

So I was hoping when I dropped all the kids off this morning, as healthy as they have been for a while, that I would get the whole day.

The morning was spent doing my sport and the law essay, which I did, and completed, and am pretty happy with.

This afternoon was put aside for my doozy essay on international law and world politics. Yep. Sounds about as thrilling as it is. I started it at around half 12. The phone rang at 3. I pick the kids up at 5 usually. If all goes to plan. Which it usually doesn't. So I probably should say I always "intend" to pick the kids up at 5.

So what was the matter? Lexi was upset. Very very upset. And nobody could console her. So of course I went straight down there, thinking as I was driving there that it wasn't too bad, I could just pick Lexi up and then head on to Aldi, do the groceries, then come back around via the childcare centre and pick up the other two, albeit it a little early, but no biggie, at least I would have got something done.

Yeah. Nah.

I arrived at the centre and walked through the door to have Lexi literally run over to me, arms outstretched screaming "Mummy is here!!" which is of course wonderful to hear, there is nothing nicer than hearing your child loving seeing you. So I explained to her that she should grab her bag and we would go just us to the supermarket and then come back and get Tabitha and Angus. Nothing. So I started walking to the door. And she started crying. Very upset crying. "Nooooooooooooooooooo! You've forgotten Tabitha and Angus!!!!!"

Ok. Looks like that plan is foiled.

So I got the other two and bundled everyone into the car. I must admit I said very little on the way home. I was thinking about how the hell I was going to get this essay done, and wondering what on earth to do about the groceries, particularly considering I have all of half a dozen nappies in the house for the girls at this present time. Then the logic kicked in and I realised there were a couple in each of their daycare bags, plus a couple in the nappy bag, and we'd be right until tomorrow.

So got home, then had to spend time doing an online grocery order (which I really didn't want to have to do), got that submitted, then sat Lexi down and asked her why I had to pick her up early from daycare today. Her answer? "Because I'm a bit of a sook." Well there you go. Could have knocked me down with a feather.

At least she's honest.

And so now, at 10.11pm I have, I think, finished my essay. If it isn't good enough, well, shit happens. I had a lot going on. I'm a bit of a perfectionist though so I hate submitting stuff that isn't up to my standards. This time there really was no option. Soooo so much has happened and so much of my time has been absorbed doing things I simply did not anticipate I would need to do (not the least of which has been countless doctor's appointments for Angus). Couple that with worry, non sleepers, and all the rest of the everything, and it makes for not exactly ideal study conditions.

So I'm off to do the cover sheet and submit the essay, possibly have a gin and tonic, then hit the hay. I'm seriously exhausted.


  1. Well congratulations on finishing them at all! I am not sure that I will ever return to finish my last few subjects. Kids are just so time consuming!

  2. You are not wrong!! And I didn't get the gin and tonic, fatigue won out. Might have it tonight instead :) What are you studying? I'm of the mindset that in a year's time the kids and I will be a year older no matter what so may as well try and get some other things achieved as well lol
