Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh dear.

It has come to that. I just reread my last entry, and consequently edited it. Why? Because I realised that I had in fact written the exact same thing in the last entry. Why? God, because I haven't bloody slept enough that's why!!!!!! And how did I realise? Because I got a comment on the previous entry that referred to something that I had written in the last entry and thought how odd that they would refer to that if it was in a different post, so I went and looked and lo and behold I'm not all there.

So I can take this opportunity to tell you that I have children's songs coursing through my head at the rate of knots. Hey diddle diddle has been going pretty strongly, but I'm a little teapot seems to be my subconscious's favourite children's song.

Another random - I asked Tabitha if she wanted her nappy changed. "No thank you". Love it. "Are you ready to hop out of the bath?" "No thank you". Love it. Seriously love it. I am pretty fastidious when it comes to manners. I think there is no excuse for a lack of manners - all it takes it constant reinforcement. I just hate people saying "can I have this" without so much as a please. So every time the girls ask for something, if they don't say please I either prompt, or depending on the situation, just wait. And they get it. They really do.

I'm trying to do my essays but mini dude isn't comfortable. He had a five day course of penicillin but his ears are still hurting him. At first, before they diagnosed the double ear infection, I thought his pulling his ears was teething. This is so obviously not teething it is ridiculous. Poor baby. My poor poor baby. And he is SUCH a good kid. I kid you not, he does totally rock. My best so far (baby wise I mean, not kid wise, but you know what I mean).

Anyway, I had a point, said point is gone, so I'm offski again. Try to get some more essay done, and see what happens. If I do happen to repeat myself, please forgive me, I am very sleep deprived.

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