Friday, April 15, 2011

I haven't forgotten

about this blog. I have however had a bastard of a week.

A few weeks ago I noticed a clunk in mini dude's hip, so Tuesday was the day to take him to CHN just as a precautionary measure, get him checked out and measured and whatnot. And, as it would seem, find out that his skin folds are uneven and one leg is longer than the other. So doctor's appointment was scheduled for Wednesday, which is usually a daycare day for the three kids so I can get my uni work done.

So the next morning I drop the girls off, explain to the staff what's going on, then come home, do uni for an hour then head out to the doctor to have it confirmed that one leg is in fact an entire centimetre longer than the other. And to top it all off the rattly chest he has had for some time is still loitering so that will need checking out also. So referral for ultrasound and paediatrician taken away from the doctor and I drop mini dude off at daycare with the hopes that I'll at least have four hours to do some study in the afternoon.

I get home, have done maybe an hour and the phone rings. Lexi has a temp of 40.5, come and get her. So of course I race out the door, tear in to her room to see her all snuggled up with one of the staff members (which she is not usually likely to do), and boiling hot poor baby. As I pick her up the chick from Angus's room comes in and says she is glad she caught me because Angus hasn't settled since I dropped him off and he needs to go home too. So I figure may as well grab Tabitha considering I'm obviously not going to get anything done.

We get home, Panadol, early night. Early night that turns into incredibly restless night, about which I am not surprised. Tabitha also is more unsettled than usual, whether that is due to her feeding off Lexi's unsettledness or otherwise I have no idea. And so Thursday was a PJ day spent alternating Panadol and Nurofen to try and tame the temperature that kept rising. And we did have quite a relaxed day which was needed, although all of us sick with colds and Lexi quite unwell with fevers there was not a lot achieved. Fast forward to today. Morning was not terrifically eventful, but late morning came lethargy, general malaise, and Lexi having a nap for 2.5 hours when she doesn't usually have a day sleep at all. She had also had a nap the day before. Upon awakening her temp was 39.7. And I couldn't give her anything. So I bundled everyone into the car and off to the doctor we went, where we waited for some time, Tabitha ran around exploring, which was great to see as she usually just hangs off me, Angus chilled in the pram and Lexi just sat on my lap cuddling me telling me she felt hot and sick.

Tonsillitis. And a virus. Antibiotics. So I dragged the kids over to the chemist, got what we needed and some other bits and bobs we had run out of, back into the car, by which time it was 5pm, visited my uncle (I speak of the colonel, but he and I are so close he's like that honorary uncle you have) and came home to have some food. Lexi wasn't interested, which didn't surprise me, Tabitha had a good feed of some nuggets and chips (highly healthy of course), a few episodes of Play School and into bed they go. Angus didn't think he should though. He slept for perhaps half an hour then woke up quite unimpressed with the world. And remained that way for nearly an hour. In between this time I was actually able to hear a phenomenal song on American Idol with Hayley and Casey singing (if you can google it and listen I highly recommend it).

This morning I bit the bullet and emailed my lecturer to advise him that much as I was trying to avoid asking for an extension the events of the last few days have necessitated it, predominantly because I simply don't know how many more days the kids will be ill. So I have an extra week thank god.

And next Wednesday is mini dude's ultrasound with the paediatrician appointment the following Friday. I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. It doesn't really look great as it is quite a marked difference in leg lengths which usually indicates developmental dysplasia of the hip.

So we shall see. And hope.

1 comment:

  1. My Mum has one hip longer than the other, as a child she had to wear special shoes (she refused, they were pink) and they thought that should help the issue. The only issue she has now is it aches if she sits on a hard chair for too long, or walks for too long. (too long is 30+)
