Friday, March 18, 2011

It is possible

that I am not the most tolerant person in the world. However it constantly amazes me the stupidity of some people. I'm not talking about poor folk who are unfortunate enough to have learning difficulties or those who possess perhaps lower intelligence than the average Joe, I'm talking about people who simply don't think before they speak.

Most of us have thoughts and feelings that, should they be made public, we would be either ridiculed for or shot down for. It is normal to have these thoughts, I think, because we as humans are not perfect. It is not, I believe, normal to blurt said feelings and thoughts out for all and sundry to hear, or read as the case may be.

There is a massive difference between an opinion and a judgment. An opinion expresses one's feelings about a specific topic. A judgment takes a definitive side and denounces any other.

What is possibly the most frustrating situation is when someone is judgmental without having the full facts behind their comment. Let's take a simple example shall we? Let's say my opinion is that poached fish is much nicer than fried fish. That is my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Judgmental side would say I don't know how anyone could poach fish when obviously fried fish is the best. Uninformed judgmental side is someone who has never before eaten fish, has watched an episode of Dr Phil that said poached fish is evil, and then professes to the world that they can not believe anyone would eat poached fish because it is so evil.

Am I getting my point across?

Yes, something happened today. No, I will not go into details. Those who are reading this that were a party to the whole debacle will understand 100% what I am saying.

It just astounds me that people would be so narrow minded as to think that they can get away with basically chastising anyone for doing something that they believe is not right, particularly when they have absolutely no knowledge on the circumstances, have done zero research, and are going purely on hearsay.

That's enough of that for now.

I learnt something today. If you add asparagus to egg and bacon pie it will make your children fart. A lot.

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