Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There is no feeling

quite like the feeling you get when you have a pimple up your nose. It is itchy, scratchy, swollen, sneezy, aggravated and incredibly annoying. And would be the size of a pin head. How can something so small cause so much grief? I think it all has to do with where the small thing is placed. A pimple this size on your face, while frustrating and unsightly, is far less disturbing, and it will go away. The problem with internal nasal pimples is the fact that the mere act of breathing seems to aggravate them, and if you, like me, have the remnants of a cold, well, that is just asking for trouble. And it makes you sneeze more. And feel as though your nose is the size of a house. Which is isn't.

You know I started typing this over three hours ago. At this rate it will take me a week to write a full post. Things they are ahappening. Actually not things. Just poo. Lots of poo. It's always terrifying if the kids have a "day off" from pooing because the aftermath is enough to scare the bejesus out of the hardest of men. And they wouldn't cope anyway. Boys and nappies, well, they can talk the talk but they can't walk the walk.

So often these days I start to say something and then halfway through forget completely what the point was. Proof of this is the fact that I have no idea what I was saying here, so on that note I'm going to remove the magna doodle from my back (thank you Lexi), put the contents of my purse back where they belong (thank you Tabitha) and throw away the remnants of paper that are strewn all over the lounge room floor (thank you Angus).

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