Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It would seem

as if this bug is finally starting to settle. Lexi was a lot better today, although still has a little cough. Tabitha on the other hand wore the full brunt today, falling asleep on many occasions in random places. At one stage I actually put her in to bed only to walk in not 2 minutes later and find her asleep on the floor. She just wasn't comfortable. Then after about 45 minutes she came out, said hi, had a cuddle, then proceeded to walk over near the kitchen, lie down on the floor and fall asleep again. Poor baby. Angus is also on the worst day, although his worst day was actually overnight last night, as was mine. The girls thankfully slept, however mini dude and myself were up coughing and spluttering quite a bit.

So another day of laying like broccoli and doing nothing in particular. Lexi did a few drawings, Tabitha did one and then got upset because the crayons weren't playing the game she wanted (which was see how many crayons I can fit in my hand without them falling down). They were falling down. She was not happy with them.

And another day of nothing particularly exciting food wise. I had made mini quiches a few days back which are always good sellers, and made some chicken wings last night, which didn't sell last night but were fairly popular today. Jelly, though a hit a few days back, was nahmated today. Perhaps the jelly thrill is over. Or perhaps it doesn't taste the same a few days later. I couldn't tell you, I don't really eat jelly. I prefer to drink the warm jelly mix before it goes into the fridge. Not that I do that. But I would prefer it.

Tomorrow the girls are supposed to go to daycare. If Tabitha wakes up like Lexi woke up today they will go. If not, well, I think Lexi may go and Tabitha may stay home. I don't want them going in and infecting all the other kids. I'm pretty sure she'll be right, the endless nose running is now clear. Always a good sign.

I'm sitting here with a box of tissues and a gin and tonic. I had some cough medicine before so hopefully that'll kick in. Sneezing is getting me a bit though. Hoping the gin will help there. How? No idea but I think it's worth a try......

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