Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You know

your life is busy when you think you blogged yesterday but it was in fact the day before. Aka now. And the other day. And the other day. And it gets worse when you are sure there are things that you have said but you can't possibly have said them because they happened yesterday and even though you are sure you blogged yesterday the blog tells you that it was in fact the day before so the blog you thought you blogged was nonblogged.

Do you reckon I used blog enough in that sentence?

I've been busy. It happens. Actually it happens most days. No, strike that, every day. And by busy I don't mean I was off running errands and drafting documents for the prince what's his head's visit or anything. It was nothing so (un)thrilling. It was nappies, a few more nappies, several tantrums, a couple of teething issues, a few food refusals, many repeats of the words "no" and "why", flying sausage across the room, Angus's under high chairs and the like.

The kids are funny. Funny ha ha and funny odd.  A nice mix of the two. Lexi is amazing. Such an independent. Must do everything herself. In addition to choosing her own outfits now she must put them on herself. Never before has dressing taken so long. But she gets there. In the end.

Tabitha, well, my precious little Tabitha. She of the boycotted daysleep now falls asleep in random places literally every day. So I, being the good mother I am, take a photograph. Every time. I'm going to make an album. "Tabitha's random nap places". It'll be a great photo board at her 21st.

Angus is doing baby led weaning. For those that don't know it's basically giving mini dude everything you eat. Sort of. I cut food into sticks, soft boiled so he can handle it, and I put things on his tray and he just has what he wants. His favourite so far by a landslide is cucumber. I think this is a combination of the fact that it remains solid while he picks it up and the fact that it is cool on his little teething gums. So kind of like a teether with substance.

There is not a huge amount else going on. Lexi had her first night last night where she didn't have a night terror. I was up til midnight anyway, just waiting. Sure it would happen. It didn't. Tonight wasn't so lucky, but it was much less severe than usual. So hopefully the cycle is starting to break. I have been waking her for weeks now as that is the recommendation - break the sleep pattern so that they don't have the terror. I'm not 100% sure if it works, but judging by the diminishing effects I would say that yes, it does. She still has them (except for last night) but they are less violent (mostly - the other night she was literally climbing the wall, several nights previous she tried to throw herself off the bed, but that is nothing unusual, I'm always there to catch her). Tonight was "better" if you can say that.

I was going to say a few things, god only knows what they were. I should be in bed. Lexi last stirred quite some time ago. Angus too. Tabitha hasn't. Yet. But she will. Because she does. Always. Without fail. I can literally count on one hand the number of times she has slept through. Since birth. Actually, two hands. Let's be fair, she did sleep through for the few nights before Angus was born.

So much as I would love to have some wonderful antics and tales to recall, I have no recollection of anything that has happened in the last two days because, surprise surprise, I'm absolutely buggered. But daycare tomorrow and Thursday. Essays will get started, and hopefully a good schlack of it, and possibly even a nap. Who knows. The possibilities are endless.

And the kids will hopefully have fun. Let's just hope that mini chick, aka Tabitha, starts to feel a bit more comfortable. Lexi loves it, they love her, Angus loves it, they love him. Tabitha, well, I love her to bits. She's still finding her feet though. She'll get there. I'm sure she will. My tough little mini chick.

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