Friday, January 28, 2011

I am finding it difficult

to find the words to describe just how crap last night was. Absolutely shatteringly crap. Tabitha was up in total around 9 times, and Angus around about the same. Lexi once (oh thankfully I have ONE good sleeper). Why were they up so much?? I'm tipping it's teeth (for both of them) and also a growth spurt for Angus (in that he was feeding every 2 hours) and also the fact that Tabitha has unfortunately caught the bastard of a cold that has been sitting in my chest for the last 6 days.

And then this morning we encountered what can only be described as a magnificent display of projectile vomiting from master Angus.

And so the day begins.

Oh, now I need feedback here. If you note my blogspot address is not the same as my blog. Why? I have absolutely no idea. I didn't know what I was doing when I created it. Literally.

Now, I can change it, but just wondering if I should. What do you think? Would it be "easier" if the blogspot address was the same as the name of the blog? My gut feeling says yes, but I am in a haze of sleep deprivation so my decisions are not always the best. Although I feel my decision to have red bull and crackling for breakfast was a good one.

So what do you think??

1 comment:

  1. It's been a few years, but I think the idea was the address (URL) was so people could google the author if they didn't know the name of the blog or on a whim the author changed direction and went with a new blog name - that way they still end up on the same page.
