Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I still can't quite understand

the fascination children have with the toilet. I usually have the toilet door closed, predominantly to avoid the fascination factor creeping in, however when Tabitha goes down for a nap I leave it open so as not to create extra banging noise possibilities that may cause her to wake up before it is time, because when that happens it is most certainly not pretty. Tabitha wakes up very well in the mornings as a general rule. She wakes up much less well overnight or if awoken suddenly from her nap. The veritable bear with a sore head visual.

Anyway, back to the toilet. I forgot to shut the door again when I got her up from her nap today, and as I was making lunch several minutes later I remembered. And so I ran, because Tabitha was nowhere in sight. I managed to to turn the corner just in time to see her remove her beloved sleeping doll companion Julia from what must have been a very refreshing dip for her. And because she is a soft toy, and highly absorbent, upon her removal from the toilet she managed to cover Tabitha, and the floor, in toilet water also.

So Julia is now having a spin in the washing machine. I didn't want Tabitha to get too upset by this (being that it is a front loader so she would literally be able to see Julia whizzing around covered in suds) so I suggested to Lexi that her favourite toy Emmy might like to also go for a swim. She thought it was a sensational idea and it was all I could do to stop her leaping through the washing machine herself as she thrust Emmy in for the joyride. Ah well, they probably needed a wash anyway.

I just don't know why it is that I remember such things mere seconds after the inevitable has occurred. Maybe it's one of those Murphy's Law things....the odds of bread falling butter side down vary inversely to the cost of the carpet and all that stuff. What can go wrong will go wrong. Or maybe it's actually in the fine print of the motherhood job description. I think I'll go with that one.

1 comment:

  1. I Am nominating you for the Versatile bloggers award. Details are on my blog :)
