Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I realised why

Mr Non-English speaking delivery man was unable to access the road last Friday. The "tree down" was in fact him trying to get through the road via a forest. And he has done the same thing today. And so I am counting down....presently he has 52 minutes remaining to deliver my groceries within the window specified, and if they don't arrive I am going to let fly, in a big way.

Thing is, they have made it here before, on at least one, and possibly two occasions (I should remember but I don't, but I know they have been here at least once), so it is definitely possible to get here. And I Know the road isn't blocked off because I Have been out via the road, and people have been in via the road, and there is most certainly no tree down. It is so massively frustrating, particularly since I know tomorrow is a public holiday so if they mess up today there will be no try again delivery tomorrow, and yet again I will have no groceries.

I smell like Vicks. I love the smell of Vicks. It is so comforting. I caught a chill a few days ago and feel like I've been belted in the chest with a sledgehammer, and I'm sneezing, so I have a cold, although I don't actually feel cold, just sore in the chest with a horrid cough. It's more than likely a chest infection but it'll clear up by itself, eventually. The only time it didn't I got pneumonia, and that sorta sucked just a little. It hurts. You wouldn't think it but it does. Really painful stuff. But yes, I do believe I Have a chest infection so if it still feels this bad in a week I'll go to the doctor. Hahah. Yep. I'll give it a week. Ooooh damn forgot to order tomato soup in my grocery order. Meh, no biggie, he probably won't even make it here anyway.

It's cooking show marathon today. Angus and Tabitha are both asleep and Lexi is sprawled out on her little sofa with a pillow watching cooking shows while I play around on the computer. She adores the cooking shows, just loves them.

I should probably study but I figure I'll do some more tonight. Today, well, I'm actually feeling a little sorry for myself because I feel yuck, so just taking it easy. Plus yesterday was such a massive brain drain day that I think I needed a little break from it all.

Okay I'd better flee, Lexi has decided she wants to lean. Love that she is affectionate but it is damn near impossible to do anything at all when Lexi is in lean mode.....

I shall very likely return later this evening after an hour or two of internet law has sent me madder than I already am, so I shall talk to you all then. If there is an all. May be there is noone out in cyber bloggy land. It's quite odd to just 'talk' to nobody and nothing and wonder. You should try it sometime. It's not a cathartic experience (I actually just wanted to use that word) but it is something that makes you think......

Might have a coffee. If Mr Non-English speaking delivery man ever arrives I'll have a red bull too.......

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