Monday, January 24, 2011

I know I should be in bed

but instead I'm sitting up playing on my new notebook computer :) My dad surprised me with it the other day and I am absolutely ecstatic! I have never had one before and feel super dooper spesh!

So instead of catching up on zeds, which are desperately needed, I have just downloaded some bits and bobs and thought they would be finished a while ago which they weren't so I'm still up and yawning but should really hit the hay soon.

Today mum came over and looked after the kids so I could study and I actually managed to get one of the two essays finished, and it was the dodgy one too. The one that scared me just by looking at the topic. International commercial law, maritime law, treaties, comparisons between uniform legislations. Riveting stuff. So it's done. Thankfully. All that remains is the 5000 word jobbie on internet law and we're done for a few weeks. Well, actually not when you think about it, cos the next ones are actually due in a few weeks. Oh well. The things we do hey. At least this computer will make it easier heheh.

Tabitha is a strange little girl. She has a tantrum, then she laughs, then she tantrums, then she laughs. Today she threw a few, then came running in, stood with her back to the wall, looked at me in the eye and said "I love you". I just about melted. Then she ran off and threw a block at Lexi. As you do.

Only a short one today because I have had a massive day of brain activity and it would seem that my brain is somewhat out of sorts in relation to that because I'm fried.

But now I can blog from anywhere. How cool is that.....I am so 20th century. Actually no, hang on, we're in the 21st century now aren't we? Oh well, something. Buck Rogers in the 21st century holy moly that just popped into my head. Wonder if anyone else is old enough to remember that....

Online groceries arrive tomorrow. Let's see if they send old mate that had the tree incident (yeah right) last week or someone else. If it's old mate I bet he breaks my eggs on purpose. Well, they'll get a phone call, I'll give you the drum.

Okay I'm really going now. Really.

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