Friday, January 28, 2011

What I am supposed to be doing

is the remainder of my essay. You see I finished the essay from hell and submitted it today. It was on maritime shipping law. Who the hell in their right mind chooses to do a subject where one of the topics involves maritime shipping law? Me apparently. Ugh. Idiotic. Still, I got it done and now it's done so there.

This next one is a major one. Worth 50% of the mark. I have done 4276 words of 5000. I still have to do the bibliography and get the footnotes sorted, and it is due the day after tomorrow. But tonight I have a brutally harsh case of the cbf's and also my throat and chest is still really sore so I felt the need to self medicate with a glass (read mug) of red wine. As you do. It's starting to feel better already. Although my views on the essay are changing somewhat. Ah well, you get that.

After turbo crappola night last night I had no idea what today would be like. It wasn't actually too bad. Because it was such a lovely day I thought yep we're all heading outside. So the washing was done and ready for hanging so I thought out we'll all go. Oh my word I tell you I never realised just how long such a simple task took! Both the girls needed to get into shorts and tshirt because they were in track pants because inside is cooler than outside. Then they needed shoes. Then they needed sunscreen. Then they needed hats. And then the pram was in the boot of the car and I was putting Angus there so that had to come out. So after all that we were on our way down the steps, mini chick holding my hand (which is uber cute because up until now she has point blank refused) and into the garden we went for a frolick. I do love to frolick. Puff the magic dragon. He was a frolicker. But I do digress. So I hung the washing out and pushed Lexi on the swing and ooh'd and aaah'd as she yelled with glee "I found a rock!" and "I found a rock again!!" and "I found TWO rocks!!" and "aaaah a flower". Angus was fairly nonplussed by the whole deal. Just kicked back. In all honesty I think he is actually too big for the pram. It's ridiculous, he is 4 months old and just under 70cm. Insanity. I have no idea how I make these monster children. Not monster at birth, but by god they grow quickly.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, the outsideness. They loved it. They always do. And they ran and carried on and got a fairly liberal dose of Vitamin D so I'm hoping they sleep. If they do, then we are going to repeat the same procedure every day until they leave home. Simple.

I did have something else to say but the lack of sleep I am suffering from has sucked it from my brain. Can't have been terrifically important, and if it was, well, it'll come back to me, surely, odds are it will.

I had better go and attempt to complete this other essay. I'm actually contemplating taking next semester off. It may or may not be a brilliant or idiotic idea. I haven't decided yet. I'm already enrolled but can easily unenrol. I'm just thinking maybe some time for me might not be such a bad idea. But then again I bore very very easily and I'm just as likely to get one week out of study and say okay then so what the hell am I going to do to keep my brain occupied now? And then I'll get addicted to Sudoku and have to visit the newsagent regularly to get puzzle books and will have to keep pens in every room for when I feel the need. So maybe I'll just stay enrolled. Yep, I think that's safer for all concerned.


  1. You'd drive yourself up the wall lol just I have done to myself not once but twice - must be a slow learner or thorough. I like the sound of that better. Seriously though why did you pick that subject?!
    So glad your day went well though- hope outside time does the trick for tonight!!

  2. Well it is international commercial law...and I'm doing the master of commercial I thought it fit. Hmmm. Still, I don't hate it, just a dodgy essay topic! day was great :) Night so far, Lexi up once, Tabitha up once. Last night at this time Lexi had been up once, Angus had been up 5 times and Tabitha had been up 3 times. We're in front :)
