Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well the sleep year

has not started so well. All the kids have been antsy the last two nights, and mummy is struggling to keep the eyes open. I actually said to Lexi this morning, after she was speaking to me saying something which sounded like "oh my notebook" when there is no possible way that is what it could be, that "I need to finish my coffee or I'm going to die". Interesting. I'm sure it's not true, and I'm not entirely sure she would actually even understand the statement, but apparently my subconscious felt that it needed to be said because when one is as fatigued as I the only way words come out of your mouth is subconsciously. There is definitely no effort involved.

I  had a strange dream last night. I had left a bag up on a bench and when I went to get it it was overrun with little spiders. Well, not little, they were a decent size as far as spiders go. I'm not scared of spiders at all (moths and butterflies though, don't get me started). And in my dream I picked up the bag and shook these little spiders off and they fell to the ground and it seemed shook themselves off and headed back for the bag. So I started to wonder what was so attractive about the bag, and did it smell like spider joy, so in my dream I smelled the bag (I'm not sure what I hoped to achieve by doing this, but I did it anyway). I discovered nothing. Surprising.

So I decided I should put the bag down on a different bench, which I did, and could see the little army of spiders returning to the scene of the crime, or more accurately the bag, but they had altered their course to its new location. What they failed to see with their little spider eyes was that right beside the new bag location they were so keen to reach was an enormous can of fly spray. I laughed out loud in my dream and said "unlucky". And that was it.

There's a little insight into the workings of my mind for you. Have a good day :)

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