Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I got my groceries

although I fear by getting my groceries I did in fact cause massive premature aging of one 'new Australian' in the process.

He arrived at 2.35pm. He had until 3pm in the window that I had selected, and he had already reneged on the deal once before, last week. So there was no going back. I knew when I received a call from Sydney earlier today saying "he says there's a tree down" that it was the same bloke. And it was. I kindly mentioned to Sydney office that I had explained to Mr non-English speaking delivery man that he needed to come a different way. You see the road here has one entrance and one exit. It does not go end to end and meet up with roads at both sides. End one is a road. End two is a forest. And after the forest there is a road. But you cannot get from said road to this road through the forest. For it is a forest. If it was not a forest it would be called a road. Confusing, yes, I know. But not really.

Anyway, he got here. Through broken English I surmised, after he pointed to his shoe and several other strange things, that he had been stuck in the forest for over an hour. I did feel slightly sorry for him, but only slightly, because I had told him last week of TWO other ways to go! And did he take my advice? NO! The silly bugger took the SAME route he took last week that made him unable to get through. Um, hello????? Seriously. The definition of lunacy is making the same mistake twice and expecting different results. Nope. No Einstein there. I apologise, that was harsh. But bloody true. Seriously. I told him TWO other ways he could have got here and what the hell did he do....he took the way that got him cast last time!!

Well, groceries are here. As he was leaving I said to him "so do you know how to get here for next time?". He ran away. Maybe I'm a little too threatening. I wasn't nasty to him, I really wasn't. But I did point out everything I have just pointed out to you, minus the emphasis as the kids were there and I didn't want to set a bad example. Although for the rest of the day that little statement kind of doesn't fit, cos the kids were terrors, and I really think I could have handled it better.

I think it is a combination of several things. It is being in different surrounds, particularly different weather. Messes you up every time. It is being without things that are familiar to you, including people. And that is incredibly difficult. It is staying up far too late studying because you have essays that are past due because of things that have happened in the past few weeks that have disenabled you from completing them on time so you had to get extensions and even though you have extensions on these assignments, there are assignments following them that need doing so as soon as you finish these ones you have to start the next one. Or something like that.

It's realising that things are different. And the kids are growing, far too fast for your liking. Tabitha's phrase of the day was "I love yoooouuuuuuuuu". And a tantrum to follow. Angus simply must have teeth coming through because he looks as though he has run a mile with the redness of his cheeks, and he is arcing like nobody's business. And Lexi, well, Lexi is Lexi. She is truly an adorable child, but fiercely independent, and wants to help as much as possible, and sometimes just helps that bit too much. I love all my kids, I do. More than anything. But today was a hard day. And I think it's just that bit harder when you have nobody to bounce it off at the end of the day.

Tabitha just woke up. I wonder why it is that at 18 months of age she finds it impossible to sleep through, yet Angus at 4 months old sleeps til 5. Hmmm.

I'm pretty knackered today. It was a huge day. What did I do? Well, that I couldn't tell you. I seriously couldn't. All I can say is that now, at nearly midnight, I'm absolutely stuffed. And I was actually pretty well stuffed at 7.15pm when the kids went to bed. So what did I do all day? I looked after a 4 month old who is having some sort of issues that I believe are related to teething. I looked after an 18 month old who is so advanced she is going through the terrible 2s 6 months early. I conversed at length with a little girl who in three short months time will be three years old, who refuses to let me help her, or do anything for her, except when she gets really really stuck, but won't stop cuddling me and leaning on me with sounds of aaaah and ooooh mummy.

I am really the luckiest mum alive I believe. Lexi is adorable. She is incredibly smart, helps as much as she can, and is so very affectionate and amiable that there is nobody that couldn't like her. Tabitha is an enigma. She is clingy with me, but watching her relate to other people is quite amazing. She is far beyond her years in smarts, I'm sure she's been here before, her vocabulary astounds me (for an 18 month old it is truly insane, she strings together full sentences, in context), and she has attitude. Angus, well, Angus. He isn't so happy the last few days. It's teeth. I'm sure it is. If in doubt, blame teeth. But he rocks. He is just adorable. He is my calm. He is a very calming child. Frustrating when he wakes at 5am and just wants to talk and gooo and gaaa. But calming overall. And adorable. His smile will break hearts, no doubt.

It's raining here. And I'm tired. And I'm hoping miss Tabitha has decided she's tired too and gone to sleep. I've weakened in the last week, she has a bottle at night again. But to be honest, it is because I don't have the energy to get up and down and up and down to her to settle her, because of study, because of having the three muppets to look after through the day, and because of looking after those same muppets at night. Motherhood is the most wonderful job anyone could ever do, and I recommend it to anyone. But it is no walk in the park. It's hard. It's very very hard. Rewarding, but hard.

And I love it. But crikey I'm bloody tired. Wonder when I'll sleep through next......

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