Friday, January 21, 2011

My head hurts

for more reasons than one. The main reason can without a doubt be attributed to the children. And no, it's not what you think, it isn't the fact that they are carrying on that is giving me a sore head, rather the fact that when I was putting things away in the fridge yesterday both the girls snuck up on me, scared the living crap out of me and I jumped up, with my head still in the fridge. My head now sports a rather large, and I'm tipping discoloured, lump.

The second reason is international commercial law based. You see I have an assignment that is due in 7 days. In reality it was actually due 7 days ago, however due to events beyond my control I needed to apply for an extension, which I did, and was granted, and thus I now have 7 days to complete it. What I didn't realise was the topic matter is something far beyond that which I am able to currently comprehend, and as such I feel like every document I read gives me one more tiny little stroke such that by the end of this assignment I may well have little to no use of my body and/or mind.

The third reason is the distinct sleep issues that have arisen of late. Not my own, no, that would be too easy. The children, of course. Although I must say I only got up twice last night. However that is twice per child. So 6 times in total. I'm a bit knackered today.

I just screamed "what are you doing Lexi" because I heard some rather interesting sounds emanating from the kitchen, only to see Lexi jump up from behind me and say "nooooo I'm using the bookcase". Hmmm. Mother of the year right there. Tabitha did come running in though, and was holding a toy car and a toy bus, so there's your noise.

I cut Lexi's fringe this morning. It was getting to the point where it must have been impairing her sight quite markedly, little dangly hairs in front of the eyes like little net curtains. So I cut it. Not very well actually. I'm not sure why but it went kind of wobbly. So we're sitting eating breakfast and I said to Lexi "I'm sorry I didn't cut your hair very well Lexi". And what does she say? "No mummy, you cut my hair VERY well". Hehe. Gotta love a show of support and loyalty. That said she hasn't actually seen it so once she does she may well change her tune.

Tabitha is looking rather rosy cheeked today. If those eye teeth don't come down soon I may be forced into taking action. What that action is I have no idea but I'm just about sick of the teething fiasco that we are enduring with absolutely nothing to show for it. And I have to go through it all again with Angus.... Must be hard for the kids though, the pain, the confusion as to what is going on. So when I am getting frustrated with my lack of sleep and the kids being grizzly I just remind myself that it's no bed of roses for them either.

I had best away. The silence is deafening and that is never a good sign.

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