Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Did you know

that if you leave bananas in the bunch they will ripen quicker? So if you can only find green bananas leave them in a bunch and when they ripen to your liking, separate them off and they'll last longer.

That's the handy tip for the day.

Why is it some days we feel like cleaning a lot? Granted they aren't that often, but some days I get fully insane wanting to clean and make everything as organised as possible. Yesterday I had a pseudo one of those. I feel the need to get rid of things we haven't used in a while. I figure if we haven't used them in 12 months odds are we aren't going to use them in the next 12 months, so they can go. I'll let you know how that works out.

I made pikelets for the girls for brekky this morning. No particular reason, just thought we'd have something a little different to normal. By we I mean them, I don't eat them because they have milk in them and milk and I are far from friends. So the girls are having them, and greatly enjoying them, and whatever's leftover Mick can have for morning tea.

I bought four different colours of food dye yesterday, and some teensy tiny patty pan cases. So I think we might make rainbow cupcakes today. I'll have to make sure Tabitha is well amused doing something else though lest she freak out at the sound of the electric mixer again. Actually I'm not sure if I have enough eggs. Hmm. Probably because of my "I want bacon and eggs and toast and don't want to share" effort yesterday. Doesn't that annoy you.....karma always comes and bites you on the bum. Still, it was very nice.....

Mini dude slept from 6.30pm until 5.30am. He is an amazing little man, what a brilliant sleep. I could have theoretically had a sensational sleep, however that would have required Tabitha not being awake between 11.30 and 2am (or thereabouts). Why? No idea. I'm thinking it's teeth. If in doubt, blame teeth. So I'm a little buggered this morning, just for something different.

I need to light a fire under my tush today though as the other essay which I have been avoiding a little is due in just a few days and is nowhere near finished. Noble as my cause is I really don't care if I don't ace this subject, but a pass would be nice. The other subject, well, I would love to do well in it. This one I'd be happy with anything above the 50 mark.....as I said, noble.....

We have calls of "oh no" coming from the table and I believe it is due to the untimely passing to the ground of half a pikelet. And as humpty dumpty runs through my head I shall go and see if I can indeed put the pikelet back together again. Wish me luck.


  1. Just a quick note to say that I love your blog. I am a former Mackay girl transplanted to NZ nearly 7 years. I was back home in Mackay in June visiting family. Keep talking to cyberspace. Vicki

  2. Thanks so much Vicki!! I'm envious of your living in NZ it's horrific weather wise here at the moment
