Saturday, December 18, 2010

I have decided

that I have too much stuff. Full stop. So I have made the executive decision to get rid of it and thus I have created myself a garage sale on facebook. As you do. And so as I find stuff I think I don't need I'm going to put it in there and hopefully get rid of it bit by bit. Why? Well, I think I might be a hoarder. Just a little bit. Well, not really, but a little bit, maybe. Or perhaps it is more appropriate to say I have a bit of an addictive personality. I'm addicted to "mystery packs" and things like that, and have done that many different party plan and whatnot things that I have been left with lots of leftover perfumes, my cupboards are literally overflowing with Tupperware and for a while there I had pretty well every colour of Avon lipstick. Why do I do it? I have absolutely no idea. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I love filling out paperwork. Insane? Yes. Totally. And making lists too. So with these things you get to order stuff and fill in the forms, and then you get deliveries of things so it's like you get good mail that isn't bills!!! So there is definitely method to my madness!!!

I'm trying to build up motivation to make the gingerbread cookies I was going to make 3 days ago. Haven't made them yet. Lexi is pestering me to do something, I don't know what though because whatever it is she is saying I haven't quite worked out how to interpret yet. She has an enormous vocabulary now, however not all her words are formed exactly as they should be so sometimes it's a little difficult to know exactly what she's saying. Tabitha on the other hand has a smaller vocabulary, still enormous for her age, but is very easy to understand. I wonder what Angus will be like.....

If anyone says to you they don't compare kids don't believe them. Everyone does, always. Not in a competitive way, just in a "oh, well my daughter never did this but my son did" kind of way. It is human nature. Accept it.

I'm thinking pancakes. I don't know why, I just am. With golden syrup. Oh sensational. I won't make them though, I'm just going to think about them. This is going to be my new diet....thinking. Instead of eating everything I want to eat I'm just going to think about it. I was watching Man Vs Food last night and he was in Amarillo Texas and it was meat and chilli galore and I was literally salivating watching them make the burger from hell. I could almost taste it in my mouth, could almost feel the heat of the cup full of jalapenos they use on every burger, could taste the bitiness of the cheese and feel the warm flowing glow of the habanero hot sauce. There were beers in a large bath tub full of ice as well. I could feel myself drinking one of those to quell the burning caused by the chilli. Oh my, it was sensational. Truly truly sensational.

And now I want a burger. Damn. Maybe it isn't going to work after all.

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