Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fitting three children in the car

was tricky, but we did it. The two girls seats on the passenger and driver sides and Angus's capsule reverse facing in the middle. Fits okay now but I doubt it will fit when we need to turn it around in a few months' time.

So we had our first outing last night to see the Christmas lights of Mackay. At first we spotted just some little hanging icicle lights and the girls were slightly nonplussed by this, but then we saw some people who had really gone to a special effort....competition entries....they are a breed of their own aren't they? Anyway, pretty soon Lexi was saying "there's one", "on my side" and various other lovely tidbits of joy, and Tabitha was chiming in with "wow" and "none there" which was quite amusing to hear, talking about the houses that hadn't bothered with lights.

We saw some beautiful lights, we met some santas, some more rummed up than others, but I think it was a great way to get the girls feeling more comfortable with santa than previously. Years gone by has seen santa send the girls screaming, running towards me as fast as they can to shelter behind the incredibly powerful cover it seems my legs give. So to have them actually say "hi santa" as we saw the various different santas in differing states of intoxication was a step in the right direction.

I was feeding Angus yesterday afternoon when I heard what can only be defined as a ruckus. A good ole fashioned ruckus. Lexi had in her hand a toothbrush, and Tabitha had a small spoon. Together they were finding every item of furniture, or wall, that made a sound and bashing their respective implements on the different surfaces, laughing with glee at the different sounds they were making. In between the bashing I heard the  thud thud thud of running (there is no pitter pat as the feet attached to the girls are anything but tiny), from one end of the house to the other. So I yelled to Lexi "what are you doing?" She came running and stopped, leaning, out of breath and replied "making noise". I asked, she answered.

It is yet another hot day in the armpit of Australia and the aircon has been on since the wee hours of the morning again. It's also muggy. Very very muggy. So when you venture outside into the searing heat, squealing like a lobster being thrown into a pot of boiling water, as soon as you get into the car your sunglasses will fog up. Instantly. Oh joy. And you will forget that seatbelts have more conductivity than any sort of metal as you go to place the sash across you.

So what is better? Searing heat or freezing cold? There are parts of Europe that are going through a record cold snap and there is snow absolutely everywhere. Me personally, I prefer snow. Of course I do, that's why I moved to the tropics. I'm so logical. Still, I do love the snow. Just thinking about it cools me down actually. Perhaps I should just do that....think about snow. Oooh maybe if I go to the video store and hire all the DVDs of movies set in the snow then maybe I'll feel cooler.

Genius! Think outside the square. Until then though I might just loiter inside the fridge and pretend to look for something.....

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