Friday, December 10, 2010

Y 2E76Y

That is apparently what "I" had chosen to search for on the computer. What that is is anyone's guess, but I'm tipping if you ask Tabitha she'll plead the 5th (if there is such a thing in Australia which theoretically there is because nobody really wants to say anything that is going to incriminate themselves now are they?).

I didn't get much done yesterday. Too hot. And I had a really intense and almost terminal case of the "cbf's". When they hit, well, my word, heaven help us all.

Yesterday was a first in my life actually. I got called up for jury duty. Interesting. It used to be that if you had studied law you were ineligible however they have now changed it such that if you are currently practising law you are ineligible, but if you are not in practice then you can still do it. Something about a shortage of the jury pool or similar.

I would actually really love to do it, but I doubt they'd let me bring the kids along. One of the pitfalls of living so far away from everyone is that on occasions where it might be easier to have a family member look after the kids it simply isn't possible. The only time the kids get looked after is usually when we have a wedding to go to down south. Or if I'm in labour. One or the other.

I hate getting up early. I really do. I despise it actually. I guess at least in Queensland when you get up to your child at the crack of dawn at least it is already becoming light. Angus had his wake up at 4.07am which I was actually really happy with being that he went to bed at 6.30pm last night. Tabitha however decided that an hour later was the best time for her to wake up. 5.07am. It's funny how they all seem to do things in runs, similar times, weird. Very very weird. Another thing that is weird?? That whole "i" before "e" except after c. Unless you look at the word weird, which instantly disproves that theory.

Tabitha is sitting up at the end of the table eating breakfast. She has taken to climbing up on the dining table chairs and just sitting there whinging. It's wonderful. No, really. Problem is she can get up pretty well without a hitch, it's the getting down. Mick asked me the other day why she gets up if she can't get down. I did point out to him that she can in fact get down, just not very elegantly and usually resulting in tears. Kind of like Buzz isn't flying, it's falling with grace.

Today I think I will make something I have never made before. I'm not sure what that will be just yet, I'm going to do a bit of an inventory and see what I can pull together. It may involve puff pastry.... Let's face it though, puff pastry is basically just a posh sandwich replacement. You can put absolutely anything in puff pastry, piff it in the oven and come out with something wonderful. Sandwiches are pretty well the same. There are not many things that don't taste good shoved between two bits of bread. Except maybe more bread.

The rain has just started coming down. And I think we're in for more than just a light shower. Wonder what Mr Bom has to say.

Today is 10/12/10. Lots of those weird sort of days lately.... 8/9/10....10/10/10....all that sort of thing. Angus was born on 20/09/2010 - 2009 2010. Weird. Very very weird. When the receptionist at the clinic told me that 10/10/10 would be a cool birthdate (which granted I did agree) I just about choked that she even suggest that I contemplate remaining pregnant for that much longer.

I had a point when I started writing but to be perfectly honest with you I have absolutely no idea what that point is. Oh, but I did have another "wordy" revelation...... Pedometer. Ped is related to the feet yes? Pedal. PEDal. Feet. I know, nothing spectacular, but when you're sleep deprived late at night and something like that jumps into your head it's basically as though you've invented penicillin. And then the next morning you write it in your blog and you realise just how lame it is and feel just that little bit "special".

My coffee cup is empty. I had best remedy that situation.

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