Monday, December 20, 2010

What are the odds

of two of your friends who are pregnant at the same time having their babies within three hours of one another, at the same hospital? Bizarre isn't it?! But fabulous, I'm so happy for them both. Both first time mums, one with a little girl and one with a little boy, and both of them are going to be great mums, I just know it.

And today my little tiny baby boy is 3 months old. 3 months. Until you have children of your own you truly can't understand it when you hear mothers say "they grow up so fast". Because they do, and not fast as in oh gee that year went fast and we did this and that, fast as in they go from lying down to crawling from rolling to walking from gurgling to talking, and all this happens at such an alarming rate that your baby literally becomes a little person in what seems like the blink of an eye.

I can see why some people choose to have large families. Aside from the fact that it is wonderful for the kids to have siblings as they are growing up, from a mum's point of view the "baby" stage is so very quick, yet it is such a beautiful little stage.

Take this morning for example. My little darling woke up at 4.45am, which is amazing considering he had been asleep since around about 6pm last night, and when he woke up he didn't wake up crying, he rarely ever does. He woke up cooing. Like a little turtle dove (well, it is the Christmas season isn't it....). And when I went over to his cot he looked up at me and his entire body smiled, sufficient to melt my heart yet again. And yes, I was tired, and he chose not to go back to sleep until the girls were awake, but what a lovely way to start the day....cooing and smiles from a little child who thinks you are their world. And you are quite happy to be that world for that little child.

We put the Christmas tree up yesterday. We only had one bauble fatality and it was a little one so we did relatively well. I have somehow managed to lose all my tinsel though. I'm a little upset by that as some of it was that nice big "fluffy" tinsel with three or four shades of colour through it, and I haven't seen it for some time at the stores. I have no idea where I initially got it but I think I bought it in the first place because it was different. Hmmm. Not rapt about that. Might have to retinsel somehow. Lexi found one of the little french horn ornaments and decided to try and mimic playing it, which looked adorable I must say, and then Tabitha, following suit, did the same only with a glitter snowflake. Consequently Tabitha's face was then, and still is now, covered in glitter. Glitter sticks. More than anything. And you will find it months later. Sand is similar though not quite as sticky. If your child upends a cup of sand in their hair from the playpit at playgroup, be prepared for many many washings of the hair. And weeks of finding sand. Angus ended up with glitter on him too, and he wasn't even in the room. How that works I have no idea. Airborne glitter? Maybe it's a Christmas thing....and he wanted to get involved..... Or maybe Tabitha ran in there and "patted" him hello. That's probably a lot more likely.

I'm building up energy to take the kids for santa photographs. Last year was not supremely successful and I ended up in the picture as well, arms firmly holding young Lexi. Tabitha, well, she was nonplussed by the whole situation and truly didn't give a care either way. It will be very interesting to see how the jolly fat red man is received this year.

It's been incredibly hot here of late. To the point where I am doing visualisations of snow to try and cool myself down. And yet over the other side of the world they are suffering through -9 and truckloads of snow. You'd think that somewhere on this earth would be a happy medium wouldn't you? I wonder where that is.....should I just google happy medium??

Tabitha has just run off with a bag chicken box. And she is in the bathroom. And there is silence. And I am wondering if I will need to throw the bag chicken box away after this. I really need to remember to shut that door.....

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