Monday, December 6, 2010

You would be amazed

at how far a rice bubble can travel. It is quite astounding. Particularly when there is really no upward thrust behind it, rather the force created when a 2 year old hops down off her seat at the table with bowl in hand and doesn't have the bowl resting properly in order to ensure the contents remain as contents rather than free flying rice bubbles.

I'm also not allowed to clean it up. Lexi wants to clean it up. So I'm watching her swing the broom around the room with enthusiasm, hoping she doesn't piff Tabitha in the head while she's at it.

Angus is lying on the floor in the lounge room dressed in some funky little threads from Oshkosh that we were given when he was born. I love dressing him up. It's funny everyone says little girls are such fun to dress up. Well, they are I guess, there are lots of pretty clothes, but I hate all that namby pamby frilly girly rubbish so never got into that. Lexi is a bit of a tomboy and Tabitha, well, she isn't really built for those little girly dresses and as it is arks up a treat when you even put a dress near her. But Angus, well, we have some gorgeous little outfits, shorts and tshirts and little baby jeans and overalls, and he is such fun to dress up! My little doll.

I have just been presented with the dustpan and brush. After five solid minutes of sweeping the aforementioned rice bubbles have now been spread even further throughout the house than previously, and now the broom has come back out again so I fear there is no hope now. I must just accept that my new floor covering is rice bubbles.

I think today I will make cornflake biscuits with Lexi. I have made them once before and I think Lexi would have a bit of fun helping mix everything up, and there is nothing quite so shocking as with chocolate crackles (which she had never eaten prior to our making them the other day) so hopefully it won't be quite as eventful.

By 5.30am today I was absolutely sweltering. I can't believe how hot it is here already. Compare that with the flooding rains we had merely days ago and, well, I just can't imagine why they say the tropics has extreme weather.

I am starting to think that giving up Coke was not such a good idea. I have had a Red Bull today, and will have only that Red Bull and some coffees in order to obtain my caffeine for the day, however I really would love a nice tall icy glass of refreshing Coke. Am I torturing myself? Probably. But at least I can think about it.

I'm hearing the delicate sound of Sultana Bran buds hitting the floor as we speak. Tabitha is having them for breakfast  (mixed with some rice bubbles) and it would appear she has had enough. Her very subtle way of telling me, as I have previously mentioned, is to simply remove everything from her tray, one by one.

And little man is having a conversation with the roof which sounds incredibly interesting. I have the broom pointed at my head. I can smell something very suspicious. And I would kill for a Coke.

What was I talking about again?

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