Friday, December 3, 2010

I did feel slightly bad

for mr grocery man. After all, it's been raining pretty flat knacker here for some time, with a few thunderstorms thrown in for good measure. So when I saw him pull up in the driveway with a perplexed look on his face I thought it best to go out and meet him, just so he didn't have a stroke trying to work out how to cross what was essentially a lake in order to get to the front door.

As it happened he left the groceries on the truck that was parked at the other side of the lake and I made a hasty phone call and Mick came to the rescue, acting as the ferry, bringing me the mobile eftpos, taking it back to mr grocery man, who I think we shall call Rupert, just because, and the story goes on. He then acted as ferryman to bring over the groceries, which had, in transit, somehow managed to spread the contents of one of the iced coffees over everything, such that the whole house, foyer, children and myself smell like coffee. I guess there are worse things to smell like.

I must admit to a supreme lack of control. I spotted the Red Bull almost instantaneously and before the bag had even reached the table I had stealthily reached through the tied bag, removed one of the cans from the four pack, heard that most satisfying of sounds as I opened it and skulled it in record time, letting out a supreme "aaaaah" sound upon completion. Tabitha does this after she has a drink too....can't imagine where she got that from.....

So I'm searching through the groceries, checking them off with the little list. The disappointing thing is the iced coffee that spilled was not even on my order - it was a mistake that they had put in instead of a different sort of iced coffee. So one wonders whether or not I would still have the aroma permeating throughout everything should the packer have done their job properly....hmmm..... I also received scourers. I did order scourers. I ordered those fandangled little non scratch gentle scourers, an oxymoron if ever there was one. I received heavy duty mega serious scourers. So basically the opposite. Anyway, gave them a buzz, they credited the account back. No harm done, except I now have no gentle scourers and one less iced coffee. It was for Mick anyway.....and there were already a couple in the I don't feel so bad.

I finished the first of my essays (cheesy grin and self pat on back). Not too unhappy with it either. Hopefully it'll do okay. I did very well on my first subject which was electronic crime, and this one is law and the internet so I'm hoping to do well there also so that I can make it my "major" so to speak. After all, the internet is becoming rather popular these days isn't I've heard.....

Poor little mini dude has had a shocking arvo. He lulled me into a false sense of security with his calm before the storm having one of his longest ever day sleeps. Upon awakening he had a lovely relaxing bath and then proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs for the next hour. It's so difficult to feel their whole bodies shuddering and shaking, and hear them cry themselves hoarse whilst we work out what it is that is upsetting them so much. I was fairly sure it was a windy issue so I just kept patting and patting and bouncing and jiggling and swinging and bicycle legging and he let out three enormous burps. I was rapt. But it wasn't over. There was still over half an hour more screaming to go....and I think he still isn't finished to be honest but just tuckered himself out so much he fell asleep. All I could say was "don't be sad". I hate him being sad. It seriously does break my heart. Every tear that falls down his cheek I hold a thousand in my heart for him. I would love for him to wake and be back to his normal little self. The most calming child on the face of the planet. Absolutely amazing.

Oh his little Christmas tshirt arrived too I think I mentioned and I did say I would upload a here it is......and one of him with his gorgeous older beautiful little family. Who could ask for more.

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