Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I love reality TV

and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm not talking about shows like Big Brother where all you have to do is breathe and behave like an idiot to be able to get on there (although I must say there were several years where I did get sucked into the evil grasp of BB). I'm talking more about the reality shows that require talent. I love Top Chef, and Iron Chef (which isn't really a reality show but for argument's sake I'm chucking it in here) but my all time fave has to be Project Runway, the American version and the Aussie version.

These contestants are given inspiration from wherever the powers that be decide, whether it is from the circus, the city or some other completely random thing, they are given a relatively small amount of money and a ridiculously short amount of time to shop for the fabrics and materials they need, and then a miniscule amount of time to create an item of clothing worthy of the runway.

I love it. I absolutely love it. Last night I was expecting the grand finale.....everyone was preparing their final collections for Bryant Park, and usually the grand finale is a two hour spectacular, so I was beside myself. I had all the kids in bed AND asleep before 7 (which was absolutely monumental and I doubt will happen again for a while but it did last night so I'm going to pat myself on the back about that) and went to the Austar information panel to find out a little bit more about my wonderful program. And it was then that I saw it. Part 1. Like a dagger through my heart. PART 1! The mongrels had separated it. So while the excitement had been building up inside me all day in anticipation of a fabulous runway show at New York Fashion Week the owners of the Arena station on Austar new, and had known all along, that my excitement was false. I guess I could have looked earlier rather than assuming. They say to assume is to make an ass out of u and me. Hmm.

Lexi has just come running over with no pants on and her wet nappy in her hand so I must attend to that. I guess it could have been worse and I don't think I need to tell you how.......thankful for small mercies, again.

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