Monday, February 21, 2011

As of tonight

I have 2 weeks off study. Bastard essay from hell was submitted today and now there is a 2 week break before the next semester starts. Three subjects then. Hmm. Shall be interesting. At least they are subjects I am interested in, not subjects (like the subject that bastard essay was for) that I thought I SHOULD do. Idiotic. Stupid stupid. Never ever do something because you think you should, because it will bite you on the bum. Yes, I have learnt a lot from that subject. No, I will never use any of it. However upon enrolment in my master of commercial law I thought it pertinent to do at least one commercial law subject, that being international commercial law. Nup. Lesson learned. Subject finished. And thank the lord for that.

Tonight has been the first night I have not had to study. To be totally honest I felt a bit lost. The kids were all in bed by 7.15pm and the house was clean. And that was that. What to do. I haven't had commercial television for 5 years or so so I have no idea what shows are on. I did have austar up north but don't have it on down here so there wasn't that alternative. Hmmm. Well, I watched my first episode ever of Glee. I really enjoyed it. The singing was fabulous. Just fabulous. Only problem was it made me yearn for a piano. You see many eons ago that was my thing. I was a pianist. And at the risk of sounding like I'm blowing my own trumpet I was pretty good at it. I started a music degree and because I was so young (I had only just turned 17 when I started uni) the freedom just allowed me to do too much. In hindsight I wish I had never skipped a year at school cos perhaps then I might have been just a little bit more mature. From another point of view I wish I had gone to a different institution for I am sure things would have been different. However I can't dwell in the past, for if I had done any small thing differently I would not have my beautiful babies. That whole butterfly effect thing.

The plumber is coming in the morning to look at the heating. I specifically chose a house that had ducted heating because moving from far north Queensland to Victoria, well, the climate is a little different. I tried to turn it on the other night and it clicked and that was it. It has a thermostat. That's all. Apparently everything is in the roof. We shall see. It doesn't work though and plumber man is coming to fix it. He said to me "what is the earliest I can come over?". I told him the kids get up around 5.30am..... He's coming at 7.30am.

I'm loving this house. It is fabulous (aside from the whole the heating doesn't work thing). The kids love it too. And it feels right. Massive thing there. The feel. It is a new house so it doesn't have "character" yet. But it has "feel", and that's enough for me. I saw enough places on the internet and at inspections to know that when you find one that feels right you go for it. This place felt right. We went for it. It was supposed to be our house. I know that.

I'm struggling with my nails at the moment. I could be seen as the envy of many a girl. My nails grow incredibly quickly and are massively strong. And I hate them. I hate having nails. It disallows me from doing anything. They get in the way. They scratch things. They are just horrid. So I cut them every week. I don't bite them (can't stand that) but they get cut regularly. Unless of course you move house, in which case you can find neither your nail scissors nor the nail clippers so you find you have incredibly long nails and no tolerance for them.

I'm going to check out the childcare facility tomorrow. I'm excited. I am very very excited. Lexi is so keen to go to "school" that she asks about it every day. I'm rapt about that. Tabitha, well, she doesn't. But every day here she is becoming more and more comfortable with "outsiders" so I'm hoping that she does ok. She's my precious one. And she is the one I will worry about. Lexi is everyone's friend. She is the most personable, happy, helpful child I have ever met. Tabitha is great, don't get me wrong, just very guarded. Angus isn't going anywhere just yet!

I'm also taking Angus and Tabitha for vaccinations tomorrow. That should be interesting. I'll prepare myself with bottles aplenty. But I am really not sure how I'll go, particularly with Tabitha, after the shots. See Tabitha is not a petite girl. She is bigger than the average three year old, in weight and in height, but being younger at 19 months she doesn't have the same level of understanding of things. Yet people see her and expect so much more from her. That said she has an astounding vocabulary and in no way behaves like a 19 month old. She behaves more like Lexi's twin. It's quite bizarre, and really quite heart warming to watch.

I should go to bed. My eye is twitching. That's a sure sign you haven't slept enough. I was going to go to bed early tonight and just catch up on sleep, but for some reason the knowledge that I have nothing that needs doing was enough to wake me up sufficiently that lying in bed produces only a horizontal feeling, not the sleep that I so desperately need.

But now I think sleep will come. And so I will let it. And shall see what tomorrow brings.

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