Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I can't remember

the last time I was this excited about moving. Seriously, moving is generally pretty crappy, there is heaps of packing to do, organisational things and the like, and then there's the fact that there are three midgets to keep track of and look after as well. And even the fact that radio rentals are annoying me with their lack of organisation I am refusing to let them take the jam out of my donut, and am still massively excited.

Why am I so excited? Because this is the start of the next phase of our lives. This is the place that I hope we can live in for a few years, and if all goes well and the area turns out to be as nice to live in as I think it will, then perhaps we will get a house of our own there.

I've packed as much as I can, things are ready to go. I have furniture being delivered this afternoon and I will be phoning radio rentals again in 1 hour and 41 minutes to follow up and hopefully, fingers and toes and every other thing that crosses crossed, we can get the fridge and washer this afternoon. If not then, well, hopefully tomorrow.

I got my essay finished and submitted yesterday, a day early, but I'm not sure how much time I'll get today, plus I will need to find another source of net as the stick goes back to its owner today. I fear I may be netless for a few days however, sad to say, but these things happen now don't they.

I've had a Red Bull, kettle has just boiled for coffee, Angus is rolling around on the floor with an elephant and things are good.

Lexi is MUCH better in case you wondered. Relieved is the understatement of the century I can tell you.

Now for my shameless plug for the day - I'm involved in Relay for Life this year. The kids and I are going to go along to support a fabulous cause and hopefully raise as much money as possible. All the kids will be doing some laps too (although Angus in the pram, he's not so good on his feet just yet). If you have always wanted to be involved but don't have the time and would like to donate, just pop on over to my Relay for Life page. Every little bit counts.

I had better get myself organised as I need to leave the house in a few hours on my merry way to the NEW house (and by new I mean new.....nobody has ever lived in the house before!).

Wish me luck (as you wave me goodbyyyyyyyyye).

Catch you on the flip side.

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