Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It happened.

Today. The girls had their first experience with day care.

Yesterday I went in to a centre and checked it all out, had a chat with the centre manager and basically got a "feel" for the place, and it felt right. So I thought no time like the present, let's get this happening. So instead of spending the day unpacking I spent the day organising. You wouldn't think there would be a lot of organisation for the first little 2 hour orientation session, but that's where you're wrong. I knew they needed new hats because they have big heads that grow often so I had to find those. Everything needed labelling. Not just what they were wearing but the two full spare outfits they had to take as well. Which reminds me I don't think I labelled their shoes (which normally wouldn't really be that important because they'd be wearing them but when I went to pick Lexi up she had only one shoe on and had put one in her backpack. Random).

Which leads me to the fact that they also needed a backpack each. And I have to have forethought as well, because in winter down here odds are they will need a coat or jacket of some description so it had to be large enough to fit in there.

On top of that sort of stuff there was a veritable plethora of paperwork to fill out. Do you give permission for this? Is your child allergic to that? Which 6 people do you give authority to pick your child up if we can't get in touch with you and the child is still at the centre etc etc. Much as it's a pain in the bum to fill all of this in, I was pretty impressed they were so thorough.

Oh and did I mention that the girls' child care centre has a chef on staff and morning tea, afternoon tea and cooked lunches are provided?? And nappies and bottles are provided?? Seriously it really is a great place, and the staff are LOVELY!

So here's how it went. I was a little worried about how Tabitha would be simply because she is precious. I was not at all worried about how Lexi would be because she is super confident, happy, energetic, outgoing and basically just loves to be around people.

We got out of the car. We walked towards the centre. We got to the door. Someone else came up behind us and opened the door. Upon Tabitha's foot touching the surface of the inside of the centre an almighty screech emanated from her gut right up through her throat before exploding out her mouth as she threw herself against the second door. Oh yes, this is going well.

Tabitha's little outburst appeared to have rattled young Angus, for his bottom lip started to tremble and I heard a low bleat, like a wounded sheep, before he opened his mouth and imitated his sister. Oh yes, this is going incredibly well.

Best thing was to try and get the kids into their respective rooms before World War III broke out. We got to Tabitha's room and she saw all the other kiddies (all of whom were smaller than her) and plonked herself on the floor and just watched. But at least the sound had stopped. So I signed her in then stealthily sauntered out (as stealthy as one can be with a pram and a nearly 3 year old carrying a large backpack and trying to get out the door as fast as she can to get to her room).

So Lexi's room was next. They opened the door, she ran towards a table, promptly climbed on the table, grabbed a crayon and a piece of paper and sat down and started drawing. She didn't even look back. So Angus and I moved to the foyer. And I said to them "So what now, do I just leave?" They said I could stay in the staff room if I wanted but I said no, and knew that I had to leave, but I felt that lump rising in my throat. You know the lump. The one that comes when you see soppy films..... So I choked through and left. And only a teensy tiny tear was shed. And I went home. And Angus went to bed. And I sat on the sofa getting heart palpitations and feeling faint. As you do. And I got nothing done. Because I felt so odd. It was a mix of worry, nervousness, excitement, hesitation, happiness, sadness, and disbelief that my babies are growing up so very very fast.

I think the 2 hour orientation is that long not for the benefit of the kids but for the parents. The second session on Friday is 4 hours long, and then Monday will be a full day. See how they go. See how I go. And if all goes well they'll go Wednesdays and Thursdays every week, and mummy can get some study done during the day time and hopefully begin to sleep again.

So the time came for me to pick them up. And in I waltzed, Angus fast asleep which was nice. I went to Lexi's room first. She saw me and screamed and burst into tears. Oh dear. I thought this might happen. So I walked over to her in time to see her wedge one foot against the table leg, twirl the other foot around the chair, hold the table with one arm and reach the other arm out in front of her and towards me, as if to fend me off. I had tried to explain to her this morning that she was not to get upset but apparently that didn't work. Pretty soon there were three staff members standing around asking if she was okay and they thought she had been doing really well up until now. And I told them that being there was not the problem at all - she didn't want to leave. They laughed. Because it was actually quite funny. She really really REALLY did not want to leave. Hopefully she'll get the gist that she can actually come back. Regularly.

So we left her for a bit longer and went to get Tabitha. I looked through the window of Tabitha's room to see most of the children lying down on mats for a sleep. Tabitha was standing at the back of the room screaming. Probably not exactly what I wanted to see. I went over and cuddled her, took her jacket off (they had attempted to and she recoiled so severely that they just left her be), and picked her up, after which she settled down instantly (funnily enough). Although she had been on and off screaming and crying, she did have a little success, and they said that for a first time she did really well. I reckon they were just saying that. But I do hope she does better next time.

So then we went back to get Lexi. It didn't go well. Tabitha cried, Lexi cried, and Angus cried and it was seriously a massive effort to get all three kids out the door. To give you an indication of the lengthy process....I arrived to pick the girls up at 11.30am. We walked out the door at 12.20pm.

So we got home, made a multicoloured cake, danced the hokey pokey and now everyone is asleep. Except me. But I'm not far off.

What a day.

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