Saturday, February 12, 2011

You know you're tired

when you get to the end of the day and all the kids are finally asleep so you sit down at the computer and open up your blog to type in a bit of an entry and you realise you have actually already blogged what you were just about to blog.

Blog. Blog. Blog. I know it's short for weblog. But still. Blog. It's a funny word. I think that has to be one of the contestants (a winner no doubt) in the "let's add a word to the dictionary" competition.

I wonder how many people around the globe actually use "nahmate" as I do. I wonder.

Little man is coughing. Sigh. I don't like my babies being sick. Lexi coughs at night lately. Throughout the day she is fine, but at night, after she has been asleep for a short time, she wakes coughing. I put it down to the colder air here, and the fact that she got a cold. Tabitha coughs too. But she is only coughing because Lexi and Angus are coughing and she doesn't want to be the odd one out.

Phone voices annoy me. It's like an auditory disguise. Thing is, once you see that person in person then you hear their real voice, and if it isn't their phone voice it is very disconcerting. It just doesn't fit. Kinda like the internet chat room where you see the photo of the stunning buxom blonde with perfect skin and teeth, when in reality it's probably a big fat hairy trucker called Bruce.

What has annoyed me the most today is the fact that I was not as observant as I should have been. I was under the impression my next assignment was due on the 18th of February. We are moving on the morning of the 16th of February so I thought that would be okay, I can get some study done that night then will be settled enough the following day to finish it off. Oh no, that would be too easy. The assignment is in actual fact due on the 16th of February. Yes, the day we move. And because we are moving in the morning that rules out the morning, and most likely the afternoon, and I can't bank on the fact that the kids will be settled in the new place, so essentially I must have the assignment done by the 15th. Three days.

Wish me luck.

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