Saturday, February 5, 2011

For some reason

I'm feeling excited. I have no idea why. There is nothing astoundingly monumental coming up, but there are a few minor things that perhaps have grouped themselves together in the butterfly cavity in my stomach and thus it becomes excitement.

I just said to Lexi "I'm going to change Angus's bottom" and she said "good girl mum". I love it. Positive reinforcement. Just proves to me though that she hears me when I give her and Tabitha (and Angus to a lesser extent) positive reinforcement. It's actually quite hilarious when Angus lets out a ripper burp and I say good boy Lexi basically comes running over and with huge enthusiasm shouts out "good BOY Angus, well DONE". Gotta love it.

I got a bit done study wise last night but the whole uni site down thing did me no favours. I went to bed earlier than usual. Unfortunately Angus awoke earlier than usual so I didn't actually get to sleep any earlier than usual.

Tabitha just sat down on the little mock car toy thing. Well it isn't a car, but it is a seat and pedals and a steering wheel and it makes noise and has a little seatbelt. Anyway, as soon as Tabitha sat down Lexi said "my turn". So I have just tried to explain to her that just because Tabitha is playing on something (which subsequently reminds Lexi that that something exists) it does not mean that it is automatically her turn. She doesn't quite seem to understand. So she stands there stalking Tabitha as she sits on the toy, waiting until she stands up then stealths herself into the seat. Voila. Success. However Tabitha then moseyed on over to the table where Lexi's breakfast remains were, dutifully sat herself down in front of the bowl and started munching on Lexi's breakfast, where in Lexi arose from the car seat (which has now lost all appeal because nobody else wants to use it) and reminds Tabitha that it is HER breakfast, not Tabitha's. It's a constant battle really. Why is it that kids only want what others have, then as soon as they get it, they don't want it?

We're having a little get together this arvo with some of the cousins so I'm hoping the kids all run around madly and get exhausted which will then make them sleep on the trip home, which granted is only an hour or so, but I hope this sleep extends enough for me to get them all out of the car and plonk them into their beds. My goal for this morning is to get the house and bedrooms etc clean and wonderful looking so that when we get back later this evening I can chuck the kids into bed and everything is done. It's a modest goal, although depending on how the day goes it may be completely inachievable, or not unreachable. At the moment Tabitha is kneeling on the ground in front of Angus's swing swinging it back and forth and Lexi is back on the car toy thing. And everyone seems happy. For now.

Me, I have had one coffee, my first in several days, and I am thinking that another is due. You'll be happy to know that it is has been several days since my last Red Bull, not that I haven't wanted one, just haven't had access to one. I have had coke, but not a huge amount. I'm even thinking of not ordering it in the next grocery shop.......yes, I realise that is idiotic, however give me some cudos for at least thinking about it.

Don't you hate when you realise, in the morning, that you forgot to wash the pan you made dinner in last night? I did all the other dishes but for some reason the pan (and I mean pan in the big sense, it is one of those electric banquet frypan things which are enormous so pretty hard to miss) is still sitting there, unwashed. Domestic blindness must have struck.

Lexi just saw a bird. And another bird. "I see another bird mum!!!" "And another bird mum!!!!" "LOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Gotta love the excitement. And she is now holding out a spoon with a piece of nutri grain on it to the window saying "here you go bird." Precious. But if I find out it's that insane kamikaze bird from the other night I won't be happy......

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