Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tabitha's first night

in a big bed went remarkably well. I was actually pretty rapt with how it went to be honest. When she first got in she did get out again, a couple of times actually, but I popped her back in and told her this was her special big bed and she needed to have a nice big sleep in her special big bed with Julia (her doll). She fell asleep. She woke up. She was a little confused as to where she was and whatnot, which is completely 100% expected, but she went back to sleep. She woke up again and it was later and she asked for a bottle. I gave her one. I don't want her to feel as though things are massively different being in a big bed and if a bottle makes her feel better then a bottle she shall have. And then she slept for several hours. Several. She did really well. I'm one proud mummy. She did wake up for the day at 6.15am, as did Angus, and I wasn't quite ready to get up yet, thinking it was only about 4am, but checking the time lo and behold there it was, 6.15am, and I instantly didn't feel so bad, particularly considering if we were still in Queensland it would be 5.15am. So really it isn't that bad.

Angus is lying on the floor on his play rug, still in his little sleeping bag. I might take that off him actually. And through the wonders of technology it is now off him. Tabitha is licking his forehead. Actually licking is probably the wrong word. She is kissing his forehead, but she has her tongue out. Poor Angus. He is very tolerant.

Tabitha is currently sitting doing a puzzle. There are six pieces in the puzzle. She is removing them, one by one, and counting as she does it. All the way up to six. Clever chicken.

I don't know how to work the ducted heating. I have absolutely no idea. I push buttons, nothing changes. Ah well. Might ask the real estate agent when I drop the condition report back.

I hope the fridge arrives fairly early today. I hate the feeling of having no food in the house. I literally have a couple of tins of tomatoes, a box of cereal (which only arrived here yesterday), some rafferty's pouches and some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Oh, and 8 packets of 2 minute noodles. And I can't cook them because I bought saucepans from Ikea and they need the handles attached and I don't have a screwdriver. That's on the list. Actually I think one saucepan may have the handle on. I'm not sure now. Actually I could probably do them in the microwave anyway. Alright fine, I could have made 2 minute noodles. But I didn't. Now let's just drop it about the noodles hey.

Today I have a lot of things to do. Investigate child care centres, go to Aldi (yay!), and also check out this big wholesale fruit and veg and meat place too. With any luck things will be massively cheap, because we'll be on a budget from here on in that is just a little stricter than we have been on up to this point, as we are paying slightly more rent than we probably should be (not for the place, just full stop) but I think it is worth it because where we are is fabulous.

Oooooh actually I should get a roast thingy and give the oven a run tonight. That's the shot. Must remember to add salt to the shopping list. And Gravox.

Okay I suppose I should humour Tabitha with her mobile phone game. She is walking around the house mimicking how I speak on the phone. Hilarious little "hello" followed by mumble mumble mumble yes mumble mumble ha ha ha ha mumble mumble bye.


  1. Hi
    Popping in from AMB to follow you and check out your blog.
    Love it! Will be back!
    PS. So glad your little girl's first night in a big bed went well. It's always a very "interesting" transition time.


  2. Ah welcome! The more the merrier! Glad you'll be back too. I know what you mean with the transition. We were lucky enough with Lexi that she was good as gold going into the big bed, but she was 2.5 and Tabitha is only 19 months, so a fair difference there. Tabitha is a monster though so she had to move hahaha
