Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does antipasto count

as dinner? Cos that's what I'm having. For lunch I had a ham and salad roll. Very nice indeed. Fresh baked bacon and cheese bun thing from the bakery. Lovely. For breakfast I think I had a partial stroke and a coffee.

Who decides what is dinner food, and what is lunch food, and what is breakfast food? And what is a snack? I say if you want to eat something eat it. If it is 10pm and you feel like cereal, have cereal. If it is 4am and you want a steak then if you can be buggered cooking a steak then do it. I don't believe in following foodie rules. If I did then I wouldn't get a mega box of KFC and eat it for every meal until it was gone.

Anyway, I digress. Tonight I am having mixed antipasto of olives, semidried tomatoes, mushrooms, artichokes, and also some itty bitty teensy tiny olives which are as of now my new favourite thing. I also have another of those bread rolls from lunch and some good quality olive oil with some balsamic vinegar and I'm doing the ole dippy thing. It is a very very nice dinner. It is only happening because I'm so shagged after last night and today dealing with the sick kidlets that there is no way I could have trusted myself around open flame. The extent of the kids cooking involved the microwave. Salad for lunch too. Healthy stuff, all good.

It's so hard seeing the kids ill. Particularly with the breathing thing. They are quite understandably leaking phlegm from every available orifice at an alarming rate, however their breathing is laboured and heavy and you can hear the congestion in every breath they take. I can feel it too. I hear them breathe and I feel the pain they feel. Does that happen with all mums?? My little ones hurt themselves and I literally physically feel their pain. Perhaps it is my way of trying to will the pain from them and into myself, for I would far rather suffer myself than have them endure even a moment's pain or sadness.

Angus had his second "taste" of solid food today. The first came courtesy of Tabitha running over and trying to put a meusli bar in his mouth. The second came courtesy of, hmmm, oh, let's see if we can guess shall we? Yes. Tabitha. Again. What was it today? Apple, with just a tiny bit of banana on the side. So why do I let this happen? I am right there. I'll tell you why. Tabitha is stealth. Tabitha has speed. One minute she is beside you, the next she is reprogramming the VCR. There is simply no stopping her. She may well end up being a spy when she grows up. Or a ninja. She's that good.

I'm thinking I should start doing some of the essay. I have done 58 words so far. 33 of them are the topic. So technically I have really only done 25 words. Pretty impressive hey. Of a 2500 word assignment I have done 1%. I just have to repeat that 99 times and I'm done. Sensational.

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