Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I should really

be unpacking. But I'm not. I'm sitting here with glass of wine number 3 (tee hee) reading over past blog posts. It is actually quite funny you know because the way in which I write them is probably different to others. I can quite honestly say that I don't actually think about what I am writing before it becomes indelibly blobbed on to the world wide web. I touch type, so there are around 100-120 words a minute popping themselves on to the virtual page in front of me, and I basically just type what I am thinking. For the most part anyway. It is rare that I actually stop and think before I type something. Much the same way as I am in real life really.

Here's my theory. I'm 37 years old. I've been on this earth for long enough to know that not everything is sunshine and lollipops. I have no tolerance for incompetence. I will always say what I think. ALWAYS. If you know me in real life you will know that this is the case. I won't sugar coat things. I won't lie. I hate lying. Actually lying is the thing in life I probably hate the most. Other sins of the flesh and whatnot, yep, they are pretty ordinary too, but when you think of it lying is the common denominator isn't it? So yep, I don't lie.

I also tend to have conversations with myself. So you may see things that I have written and think that is me 'discussing' it with the online world. Nope. Discussing it with myself, just writing it down and others get to see it. There really is an awful lot going through my mind. Seriously riveting stuff. Like only today I realised that a suitcase is called that because SUIT and CASE, case for a suit. My god, how on earth did I live for so long without realising that?? I have mentioned this before in the case of supermarket, but this one was a newie. Hadn't realised that before.

Anyway, there was a point to this post and I have no idea what it is. I guess I just wanted to say thanks for being in my brain with me for a bit. Even if it is only a small amount of what goes through it, it's kinda nice that someone else can 'hear' it too.

Might play a game of poker and have another glass of red......I'm tipping there'll be a few more wake ups yet......

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