Monday, February 21, 2011

It is done.

The essay from hell. I stayed up for the most part of last night finishing it. Well, I didn't finish it last night, but I came close. Luckily (oh yes, incredibly lucky) miss Tabitha decided 5.15am was the time to wake up, and being that I had gone to bed only a few minutes before Angus awoke at around quarter to 3 saturated so therefore awake as you like and requiring a full change of suit, grobag, nappy of course and a feed, it was quite shattering to be up not long afterwards.

Being awake at this time did however give me the chance to get the remainder of the essay completed without the assistance of Lexi and Angus. Tabitha was quite happy to watch whatever it was that was on the telly and let me get the assignment done. So it's done. And thank $@*! for that.
Tabitha was looking remarkably tired after her lunch today. She has been doing really well of late - she is in her big bed of an evening but refuses to go down for a sleep during the day. Frustrating considering she really needs a sleep. Yesterday I drove to visit the colonel and she fell asleep almost instantly. Today after lunch she laid down on the floor to watch tv and fell asleep so I picked her up (she did wake up) and gently put her into her bed and stroked her forehead and she fell asleep. Not a huge day time sleep, but a day time sleep in the big bed about which I'm pretty happy.

I do harp on about the fact that you should never assume anything. Today was another example of this. Do not assume that because your child's plate is empty that they have eaten all their lunch. I was changing Angus and heard Lexi poking around in the cupboard. I yelled out to her to get out of the cupboard and sit back down and eat her lunch. Cupboard doors shut, patter of little feet, cupboard doors shutting, Lexi sitting back down at the table, and by the time I came out her plate was empty and she was having a drink of water. Fabulous. Great work Lexi. That was a few hours ago.

I just went to the pantry to put the shopping bags in (you know those reusable bags that come in all manner of colours, as well as a great esky type bag from Aldi and a bargain at only $1.99) and I saw a container. Hmm. I don't remember putting that there. That said I don't remember a lot at the moment because I am so sleep deprived I can't even focus. So I looked in it. It was the remainder of Lexi's lunch, sitting on the bottom shelf in the pantry, in a Tupperware container, with a lid on.

I don't think she was being sneaky at all. I think she just didn't want to waste it. At least the message is sinking in.......

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