Monday, February 28, 2011

The last few days

have been hard. And that is putting it mildly. The days themselves have been so hard because the nights preceding them have been veritable bastards.

Ever since Lexi was about 10 months old she has suffered from nightmares. Or so I thought. Of late they have quite apparently become night terrors. They occur at the same time every night, usually within an hour or two of her having fallen asleep, and they are horrnendous. So for the last three nights I have tried the 'wake her 20 minutes before she has one' theory. You may think it is difficult to do this because you don't know when she is going to get one. Not so true. You could almost set your clock by them. 1.5 hours after she is asleep, boom. There you go. So I wake her before she has a chance to wake up in full night terror. The first night she woke an hour later than usual with what I would call a very minor episode which lasted only about 15 seconds. The second night was the same, however the episode lasted closer to 5 seconds. Last night I thought we had broken the back of it until, at 2 this morning, she woke up screaming. However that I believe was a nightmare. How can you tell? Because she was able to look me in the eyes and actually see me. In the night terrors she looks awake, she seems awake, but it is physically impossible (and apparently not recommended) to wake her.

So there is that. Then there is Tabitha. She has been teething for an eternity. The last few days and nights have been off the scale. Several nights ago she was awake until 3.05am. Which meant, of course, that I was awake until 3.05am. Every time she would seem to settle I would make it just to my bed and she would wake up crying again. Having moved recently too I didn't realise I didn't have any baby panadol or nurofen so I literally had nothing with which to soothe her save for milk and cuddles. And she didn't want a bar of either of them. I should also mention that Angus decided that 3.20am was the perfect time to wake up, and Lexi coughed herself awake at 3.45am. Angus was still awake at half 4 and only began to drift off to sleep close to 5am. Mummy was fairly destroyed.

I went out to buy panadol etc yesterday. I had three shots at getting what I needed from the chemist. I went in, got panadol and nurofen, and walked out. Then I realised I had forgotten the little gummy butter menthol teddy bears I get for the kids when they have a sore throat, and which I had promised Lexi I would get. So out I went again. Then I remembered I had meant to get cream for Lexi's hand, as she is allergic to mosquito bites and has a rather nasty one on her thumb. Okay, so third time lucky all done. Get to the car, put the trolley away, drive off, then realise I have left everything in the trolley, so have to do a uturn around a roundabout, wait for lights and zoom back to where I left the trolley and hope it is all still there. It was but there was a rather suspicious old man looking at it......lucky I got there when I did.....

And then there is Angus. Little Angus. Yesterday little Angus was inconsolable. He sounded like a sick sheep that was being slowly compressed. Bleating, cooing, sounding so very very sad. I am fairly sure it was wind related. Although he did have sweet potato yesterday and has never had it before and I haven't heard of sweet potato giving that sort of a reaction. It could possibly also be a delayed reaction to the needles. In fact it could be anything. He was up every two hours last night after he finally settled for the night. Can you say growth spurt? Gotta love it. At least he woke up in a good mood.

So today is the girls' first full day at daycare. Tabitha actually stopped screaming before I had even left the building so I was rapt about that.

Me, well, I got home and logged on to the uni website to see that the three subjects I am doing this semester have been uploaded onto my page so I went through and downloaded all the study guides and assignment information. I had fully intended to use this time to unpack etc but stupidly went on to the uni site, and now I have a hankering to go onto the library site and request the books I need for the assignments before others get in there and get them before me......such a nerd......

I digress though I really should clean up here a bit. I'm so exhausted things are becoming difficult to focus on. I have so many half completed ideas in my brain, I go into a room and say that's right I must do that, I pick up something, head somewhere else, forget why I was going there, see something else, put down what I had and pick up the other thing, then get to another room, repeat the process, then one more room and repeat it just for good measure, then find myself back in the room where I first was and remember what it is I had thought I needed to do and remember that I left something somewhere else and it is a vicious circle. I achieve nothing but am buggered from all the running around. That's sleep deprivation for you.

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