Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The only good thing

about last night was that it is finally over. All three of my little ones have a cold. It is heartbreaking listening to them struggle to breathe, hearing the phlegm in their chests and throats and noses. And when they cry and you try to cuddle the pain away they fight because they feel horrid and don't understand it.

I have had no sleep. That is understandable. When one child would settle another would awaken. On many occasions there was an overlap and I just had to deal with whichever child was more distressed of the two and go back to the other once I had settled the mega distressed one. It is not an easy situation to be in, looking after three sick kids. Daytime is okay, they are awake, you are awake, you expect things to be pretty dodgy. At night it is a case of trying to sleep. On nights like last night I don't say to myself "please I just want to get a few hours sleep" I say "please I just want to get five minutes sleep". Anything. Something. But nothing.

So today I'm fairly shattered.

I am trawling online stores today. Well, not so much online stores as catalogues for stores that I can find online. I figure if I can work out what I need asap and then organise how I can get it where it needs to be then that solves one problem, or indeed several. I need to do a mental checklist of what needs to be done. Actually I can't really rely on my mentalness so I might write a list instead.

And away I go again....children beckoning.....and in between I shall shop.....

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