Saturday, February 5, 2011

There is no privacy

when you are a mum. You have little shadows that follow you around everywhere, and pop up behind you, or in front of you, or beside you, or sometimes whichever place is the least convenient for them to pop up. You can certainly say goodbye to going to the bathroom by yourself, or to the toilet. I went to the loo this morning followed by my two little shadows. As I had a little sniffle I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and blew my nose. Silly me. Lexi pipes up in a very perturbed tone "Nooooo mummy!! That's for your BUM". Hmmm. Maybe I should say bottom instead of bum when I say I'm going to change them.....

We went visiting today. Lexi knew we were going visiting today when she went to bed last night. This was perhaps a mistake. For she awoke at 7am and the first thing she said was "is it time to go yet?". We were due to leave at 2.30pm. I was in for 7.5 hours of this. And dutifully, every five or six minutes, Lexi would ask a variation of the same question. "Is it time yet?" "Can we leave now?" "Should I get my shoes?" and my all time favourite, "Dee (this is what Lexi calls herself because she can't say her own name...) wants to go now, Tab Tab wants to go now, Angus wants to go now, Mummy wants to go now". Yep. By 11 o'clock I thought I was going insane. By 12 I knew I was and by 1 we were all dressed, ready and in the car and had prepared the visitees for our early arrival because I simply couldn't handle it anymore. Methinks words must be said next time we have a visit arranged, or perhaps no words and we can make it a surprise. Either way, something needs to be done before next time.

All three kids slept for most of the hour drive. It is an amazing feeling to know three little folks that you created are mere feet behind you, sleeping gently, dreaming of Elmo or Play School or food or whatever it is that goes through their mind. And as soon as the car stops the eyes pop wide open, much like one of those dolls whose eyes close when they lay down and pop open when they sit up. And the car starts again and the eyes close and the heads droop and Bob's your uncle.

The kids had fun playing with their cousins, and ate far too much chocolate, which is something they don't get a great deal of here unless it is splattered onto a meusli bar because I'm allergic to chocolate so I simply don't buy it. Anyway, they had yummy special treat food, got to play dress ups and also to spend some time with family which was great. Bathed them all there and then when we headed home I could (theoretically, this is the key word) get them out of the car and pop them straight into bed. That theory worked really well. Bahahahah. Tabitha got out of the car first, and started crying hysterically once I put her inside. Good start. Angus I got out next and popped into his cot, but he stirred and I knew it wasn't long before he would fully awaken, so I had to move quickly. Lexi, I unbuckled, lifted her out of the seat, she wrapped her arms around me like tendrils of a passionfruit vine wrap around that which they are climbing, and I took her past the screaming heap of tears Tabitha, down the hall and popped her straight into bed whereupon she plumetted into the land of slumber literally without batting an eyelid.

Back to Tabitha, gave her a bottle, she was happy, hugging Julia (her doll), and so I changed her and popped her into her cot. And then Angus woke up (for which I was fully prepared) I changed him, gave him a bottle, la di da di da, and into bed he went.

All down for the count by 8.30pm. Not bad. That said Angus has woken up once and Lexi has woken up once and it's not 9.30pm yet, but they did settle straight back down again.

I've managed to get on to the uni website so all my books are now requested. Now it is a case of do I wait for them to arrive to start the essay or do I start researching articles. I know what the answer is bugger it. It's the bloody latter. Why can't, just for once, it be the former?? Once these essays are done I commence the next lot of subjects, five more to go till the course is finished, three of those this semester. It should be okay. I think. I hope. My philosophy is this.....each subject this semester had three assignments. So that's six for the semester. Next semester I am doing three subjects however they only have two assignments each, so theoretically even though it is one more subject it should be no more work than this semester. Good thinking? We shall see.

I should keep going now I'm on a pseudo roll. The weather is still playing funny buggers so I might light the "just in case the power goes out" candle and get to it. Hope one and all are having a relaxing weekend.

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