Monday, February 14, 2011

There is no room

in my car. And by no room I mean not even the kids can fit in. Well, Lexi can because she came to the shops with me yesterday so I had to make sure she fit.

When you move interstate and decide not to bring anything with you, as had always been the decision (when we first moved up north we didn't take anything and decided then that we would do it the other way as well) just remember that there are a lot of things that you don't really bank on remembering that you need. Until you write a list. Which I did. That list is enormous. So yesterday I set out on expedition "get everything I need to make sure when we move on Wednesday we have everything we need". I'm pretty bloody happy with the result too. I managed to get everything from mattress protectors to a toasted sandwich maker, from dustpan and brush to microwave. And I did it on a budget. How? One word. KMart. Or is that one word and a letter? Ah no matter, whatever it is I went there and got truckloads of stuff at a really good price, so now we're all set.

I am going like a bat out of hell to try and get the essay completed by today so that tomorrow can be spent packing and getting organised. I'm nearly there. But having little sleep doesn't help.

As a mum you do things a certain way and sometimes you think to yourself I wonder why I do them that way. Well, last night was one of those times. I usually feed the girls between 4.30pm and 5.00pm. It's early, yes, but that's just what I do. I couldn't actually remember why until last night. Rellies popped over for dinner so we didn't eat till around 6pm. After the main course there was dessert which was closer to 7.15pm. Tabitha had gone to bed around then but Lexi stayed up to play with her cousin and eat some cheesecake.

It was only an hour or so after she went to bed that I remembered why I usually feed the girls early. It's because of the reaction Lexi seems to have if she eats later and then goes straight to bed. It isn't good. It isn't good at all. So it was around 10pm before she finally settled down, and then I had to knuckle down and do the essay. I went like a woman possessed till around 11.15pm when Angus woke up. And he didn't want to go back to sleep. Disappointing. Eventually went down around midnight. Tabitha woke up at 12.41pm and wasn't too happy with the state of the world so I, being the knackered mummy, gave in without even basically being hounded and gave her a bottle because I just needed to get some sleep. And then Angus woke up again around 2am and talked and carried on for a good hour before nodding off again, I then checked on the girls, covered them both back up and stealthed back into bed and actually managed to get about 2.5 hours straight sleep. Amazing. Who the hell gets excited about 2.5 hours straight sleep? Me, that's who, cos sleep is not forthcoming of late. I do have a feeling though that once we move into the house with ducted heating (hurrah) then sleep will come a lot easier. The kids are simply not used to it being so cold at night and when they wake up and breathe in the icy air they find it difficult to get back to sleep.

2 more sleeps. 2 more sleeps. 2 more sleeps.

And I already have our first meal planned. The colonel would be pleased.


  1. How will you count said sleeps? Just curious lol ;)

  2. A very good point you make considering sleep is not really something I'm doing a great deal of. I have chosen to go with the dark/light way of differentiating between night and day :)
