Monday, February 7, 2011

From one extreme

to the other it would seem. I left a climate where it was 26 degrees and 98% humidity at 6 in the morning, even earlier. Now I'm sittting here, in February, with the heater on because it is 5 degrees and I can't feel my ass. Not, as I have mentioned to others, that I actually want to feel my ass, but you know what I mean.

I tried a different method to keep Tabitha in bed this morning, and I'm sorry to say it was a rousing failure. However I will know for next time that that method doesn't work. I'm not really surprised to be honest. It was a long shot, and being that she is only 19 months old I didn't really anticipate she had the maturity to comprehend what I was saying. Lexi doesn't either. Actually, I'm not sure it would work on anyone of any age. I speak of begging. Pleading. Pleeeeeeeease go back to sleep Tabitha. And you can't bribe them with food in the middle of the night or early morning either. There is no "I'll make you a milkshake later if you go to sleep now" because all they hear is "blah blah blah milkshake blah blah blah" and you're done for. They want milkshake now.

I didn't end up doing any of my essay last night. I needed a night off. I didn't get great things achieved though, I just fluffed around on the internet. And then went to bed. And basically as soon as I was in bed Angus woke up. He does it on purpose, I swear. At least Tabitha had a good night. Just an early morning. But I'll be thankful for small mercies.

What can we do today? Methinks it is day 'o cleaning today. I need to vacuum again, I have been all together slack with that, however the thought of roaming the floors on my knees to accommodate the lack of vacuum sucky pole thing is not terrifically alluring, particularly considering I can't feel my ass, and as such, bending down etc is slightly less easy than it would be were I able to feel said ass.

I think I should cook something today, get the oven going to warm the place up a bit. I have some apples that are looking a bit greener than green so I think I'll make an apple tea cake. Just gotta find some brown sugar. Actually I might chuck some golden syrup in too, just for good measure. Wonder if there's any vanilla essence anywhere....hmmm......

I'm not much of a baker, although I can bake. I just don't. I don't really like sweet foods. I much prefer savoury, any day of the week. Except when I'm pregnant, then I could eat the entire contents of the cabinet at Donut King and ask where we're going next.

I had a hankering for roast pork and crackling this morning. Okay, I'll be honest, I hankered just for the crackling. Very tempted to make a mercy dash into town to buy a roast, however there is no such thing as a quick dash with three kids so perhaps I'll just use my imagination, google a picture, and get one next time I'm in town.

I should probably get organised. I have had half a cup of coffee and that is beginning to warm me up in conjunction with the heater. 5 degrees. In summer. That's insane.

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