Thursday, February 3, 2011


is a funny thing. I have two essays that require my attention in the fairly immediate future. I have, shall we say, a fairly low inclination to get to work on these essays. So I'm procrastinating. How am I doing this? The dining table is full of washing. Five loads all folded. So essentially, while I'm procrastinating, I'm actually doing the things I was procrastinating about doing the other day. So essentially procrastination is really all about doing things you need to do because they are better than the alternative. Or something like that. I did also watch the last half of American Idol, and because I missed the first half am very tempted to go to Fox 8 +2 in 33 minutes and watch the first half.

The last fellow that sang was a funny looking guy. His name was Casey Abrams (not sure of the spelling but you get the gist) and he was 19. He also had odd looking curly hair and a very thick unkempt beard, a melodica (which is like a mini piano keyboard you blow into), and a fairly casual sense of dress. So that's drawn you a picture.

He blows into the melodica to get his note. And what follows is nothing short of amazing. I have heard singers before, and I have been impressed. Last year Adam Lambert blew me away with his ability to hit high notes with a strength to rival any other, and a beautiful tone to boot. Bit of an odd one, but that added to his charisma. He's now doing great things, as I'm sure you've heard on the radio. A little bit more commercial than I would have liked to see, but, well, you gotta pay the bills hey.

Anyway, old mate on the telly tonight, he was nothing short of amazing. Never before have I seen someone open their mouth and actually see the music flow. He didn't try to sing, he just sang. And what came out of his mouth was pure joy. I am very excited to see what he does in the future. Very excited. And thus commences the addiction to another reality tv show. As simple as that.

Ah the joys.

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