Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some time ago

Lexi had a toy. And it played a tune, a tune which I knew but for the life of me could not work out what that tune was. I just wanted to let you know that I still do not what that tune is, and I fear I never will.

Today has been probably one of the longest days of my life. I've been waiting to hear what's happening up north and how my friends and loved one have been affected by it all. It appears that thus far things are okay. But it still doesn't stop me worrying. And when people say "don't worry" what do you do? Do you instantly say oh ok then no problems I will, thanks for that, I would never have thought NOT to worry, what a brilliant idea. No. I don't think so. You keep worrying because you don't know what is going on. And that my friends is the human frailty. But I will take it because it means that I have people that I care about and WANT to worry about.

I learned a few things today. I think I actually learn something every day. Isn't there a saying, "learn something new every day"? There is. I know there is, cos I use it all the time.

Anyway, one key thing I learned today is that in very dim light, toy soldiers look very much like spiders. Large spiders. I also learned that flyspray does nothing to toy soldiers except make them wet.

I'm trying to decide upon an essay topic. They gave us three from which to choose. I have A, B or C. I am thinking B is out of the question because frankly it is boring. B for boring. A has some scope to it, but C, well, it looks the easiest and to be perfectly honest with you easy is welcome with me right about now. So I think it's gonna be C. Will have to start that tomorrow though because my brain is fried tonight from worry and not sleeping.

Tabitha cut her first canine today. Finally. She has been teething for about 2 years now. And she's 18 months old. Seriously though it seems like forever. And thankfully one has broken through. Judging by her temperament today the others are not far off. Fingers crossed. I'll be glad to get her to sleep through again.

Lexi fell out of bed twice tonight. Already. From the huge height of 5 or so inches. Still, not nice.

Can't wait to get into a place that is ours and that we can set up to be ours and get into some sort of routine again. I find it difficult to live the nomadic life. Many years ago I yearned for it, and loved it. Now, with three kids in tow, it is less appealing. I want security. I want routine. I want my kids to be happy, and that about sums it up.

I am going to try and sleep. Try is the operative word because there are so many things going through my mind at the moment the traffic rivals the London Subway at peak hour.

Take care all, and by that I mean Queenslanders. You've copped a veritable schlacking. You deserve a break. Please Yasi don't take any Queenslanders, they have been through enough.

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